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4 Jiangyan zone businesses get provincial recognition

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: August 7, 2023

Four enterprises based in the Jiangyan Economic Development Zone – located in the Jiangyan district of Taizhou city, in East China's Jiangsu province – have been recognized as provincial industrial internet demonstration projects.

The zone is said to have made impressive progress in its industrial internet development – establishing benchmark factories, intelligent manufacturing demonstration plants and workshops.

These benchmark facilities utilize the industrial internet platform and technologies such as data collection, integrated applications, as well as  optimization to enhance the manufacturing system.

They optimize products, factory assets and business processes, leading to innovation in production modes.

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Technicians confer about an industrial internet project in the Jiangyan Economic Development Zone. [Photo/WeChat ID: gh_d6cb78f80c03]
The zone has also been designated as a provincial "Internet + advanced manufacturing" characteristic base cultivation object – making it the only enterprise in Taizhou city to achieve this recognition.

Moving forwards, plans are for the zone to intensify its service efforts, targeting high-quality enterprises with growth potential.

Furthermore, it aims to promote the application of industrial internet technology and cultivate pilot demonstration projects in the field of endeavor to boost its high-quality development.

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