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Jiangyan zone gives business environment a boost

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: June 16, 2023


A breathtaking view of the Jiangyan Economic Development Zone in Taizhou. [Photo provided to etaizhou.gov.cn]

The Jiangyan Economic Development Zone – located in Taizhou city in East China's Jiangsu province – is currently making continued efforts to boost its business environment and expand the top-quality development of its Jiangyan district.

On June 6, the zone hosted a business environment optimization lecture, designed to help pave the way for the creation of a strong, business-friendly atmosphere. The aim is to bolster the motivation, sense of achievement and social responsibility of local entrepreneurs.

The Jiangyan Economic Development Zone invited 100 businesses, along with local officials and representatives from nine municipal departments.

They addressed the issues of employment problems, labor law, legal  training, financing, taxation, land and property certificates, plant completion acceptances, guarantee funds, subsidies and other policy-related concerns.

Representatives from various departments answered each enterprise's questions in turn.

"This face-to-face policy lecture for enterprises is right as rain for us and I will learn it by heart to make full use of the policies," said Xu Qiang, deputy general manager of resident company Cosmo Jiangsu Pipe Industrial Co Ltd.

Moving forwards, plans are for the Jiangyan Economic Development Zone to strengthen government-business cooperation while continuously improving its levels of service.

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