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Hailing district's business environment empowers industrial expansion

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: July 21, 2023

In recent years, Hailing district in Taizhou has promoted a raft of innovative measures to enhance its business environment, resulting in many Hailing-based manufacturers having expanded their scale.

On Taikang Road of Hailing Industrial Park, Taizhou Huasheng Can Making Co Ltd has expanded courtesy of Taizhou Huarong Malt Co Ltd – the latter having been settled in Hailing for many years.

Since its trial production in February, Taizhou Huasheng Can Making Co Ltd has grabbed many zip-top can orders from brands like China Resources Snow Breweries and Qingdao beer.

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Taizhou Huasheng Can Making Co Ltd is expected to produce 250 million zip-top cans this year when at full capacity. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_4df9b5f9b40b]

Taizhou Huarong Malt Co Ltd started out making wheat and subsequently found that most of the canning enterprises it cooperated were concentrated in other provinces. As such, it decided to invest in a can-making enterprise and chose to have it settle in Hailing.

The expanding scale of Hailing enterprises has benefited from the area's excellent business environment. Hailing encouraged various departments to visit local enterprises during the Spring Festival period to learn more about their development difficulties.

It has also established professional service teams to help enterprises handle administrative procedures.

Statistics show that in the first half of this year, Hailing broke ground on 30 projects worth over 100 million yuan ($13.94 million) each.

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