
Wuxing district | Updated: Mar 22, 2023


  Visitors pose for a picture in the full-bloom rape flowers in Wuxing district.  [Photo/IC]

Wuxing was once the ancient name of Huzhou in Zhejiang province and Wuxing district currently is the city proper -- as well as the political, economic and cultural center of Huzhou -- covering an area of 871.9 square kilometers with a population of 620,000. It has jurisdiction over 12 villages, towns and streets and a high-tech zone.

The district was one of the three Wu areas in ancient times. Richly endowed by nature, Wuxing has enjoyed the reputation of being the "land of plenty, house of silk and state of culture".

Zhili, a small town located in the district, features textiles manufacturing and embroidery techniques, some passed down for 5,000 years. It has witnessed robust growth in the textiles sector and has been known  the world's capital for children's clothing since the 1990s.

The district boasts an eco-friendly and benign environment which provides people with great dwelling conditions, as well as conditions said to be ideal for entrepreneurs. 

Wuxing has been awarded a number of honors – among them the best hundred municipal district of China, as well as a place in the top 100 cities for innovation and entrepreneurship.