
Zhejiang approves establishment of Yangtze River Delta (Huzhou) Industrial Cooperation Zone | Updated: Nov 11, 2021


A map of the Yangtze River Delta (Huzhou) Industrial Cooperation Zone [Photo/]

East China's Zhejiang province approved the establishment of the Yangtze River Delta (Huzhou) Industrial Cooperation Zone on Nov 6.

The zone will be the only industrial platform involving all parts of the Yangtze River Delta, a region encompassing Shanghai municipality and the provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui.

The industrial zone is composed of Baimaoling farm in Shanghai, Yixing city and Liyang city in Jiangsu province, Changxing county and Anji county in Zhejiang province and Guangde city and Langxi county in Anhui province, according to an overall plan unveiled for the zone.

Coordinated efforts will be made to facilitate environmental conservation, transportation interconnectivity, industrial cooperation and the sharing of public services in the industrial zone.

It aims to become a manufacturing hub for modern equipment and new materials with worldwide influence while tapping the development potential of cutting-edge sectors such as hydrogen energy, life and health and modern services.

The application of digital tech such as 5G, Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence and blockchain in the zone will gain ground as well.

It will be the main platform helping Huzhou integrate itself into the national strategy for Yangtze River Delta integrated development.