
Huzhou steps up construction of sports facilities in rural areas | Updated: Aug 27, 2021


A government-funded gym in Huzhou's Nanxun district. [Photo/WeChataccount:huzhoufabu]

Huzhou in East China's Zhejiang province has been actively narrowing the gap in sports facilities and services between urban and rural areas.

As of June this year, the city had constructed 339 sports and leisure parks, eight fitness centers at municipal level and 94 multifunctional sports fields in its rural areas.

More than 140 rural sports venues of various types have been added or upgraded annually in rural areas in Huzhou. 

In 2020, 60 gyms funded by the local government were put into operation, among which more than half were located in Huzhou's rural areas.

The gyms are required to remain open at least six hours a day and at least two hours in the evening. Fees generally do not exceed 500 yuan ($72.4)/year, 100 yuan/month and 10 yuan/visit.

The gyms, which go by the name "People's Gym", come as part of a broader push by local authorities to offer more exercise venues to local residents.

One such example is the gym located in Yuyue town in Huzhou's Deqing county. Featuring equipment including treadmills and spinning bikes, the gym serves nearly 10,000 people from surrounding four villages and a residential community.

In addition to facility construction, the city has in recent years cultivated 10,100 certified sports instructors and regularly staged sports events in rural areas.

Incomplete statistics show that more than 300,000 villagers from Huzhou utilize the sports facilities every day.