
Huzhou's life expectancy on par with advanced nations | Updated: Mar 9, 2021

The average life expectancy of household-registered residents in Huzhou, East China's Zhejiang province reached 83.3 years in 2020, attaining the level of advanced countries and representing an increase of 5.97 years compared with 2010.

Specifically, the figures for males and females stood at 81.28 and 85.42 respectively.

Last year, the premature death rate of people aged 30 to 70 due to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes was 9.27 percent, down 22.04 percent from 2015.

The incidence of premature death for males was 9.13 percent, double that of females in the city. The main reason is that the mortality rate of young and middle-aged males dying from malignant tumors is significantly higher than that of females. 

According to the World Health Organization, there are many factors that affect human health, among which lifestyle is the most important determinant.

It is widely believed that a healthy lifestyle including a reasonable diet, moderate exercise, psychological balance and no smoking and drinking can prevent and control chronic disease.