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Huangpu discusses advanced technology application


The 2022 (8th) Industrial Match-making Conference for Advanced Technology Application and Industrialization Development was held in Huangpu district, Guangzhou, on Dec 27.

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Huangpu contributes to Chinese aviation tires development


A striking tire-shaped building in Xinlong town, Huangpu district is the site of the Aviation Tire Science Center.


Huangpu selected to be pilot area of Sci-tech China


Huangpu district was recently selected as a municipal-level pilot area of "Science and Technology Innovation China" in Guangzhou.


Hongsing Seed Valley in GDD welcomes tourists


Hongsing Seed Valley, a tourism destination in the Guangzhou Development District (GDD), has an exhibition hall measuring more than 2,600 square meters, a high-tech experience hall, and a scientific museum.


Huangpu makes breakthroughs in anti-cancer drug development


Cadonilimab (PD-1/CTLA-4), the first dual immune checkpoint inhibitor to treat cancer in the world that was developed by Huangpu-based biopharmaceutical company Akeso, was put on the market on July 9.


Unmanned luncheon cars start licensed operation in Huangpu


Six unmanned luncheon cars have started licensed operation around Guangzhou International Bio Island in Huangpu district, local media outlets reported on April 8.


Baidu Map marks Huangpu historic sites, cultural relics


Guangzhou's Huangpu district has taken the lead in the country in marking local historic sites and cultural relics on Baidu Map.


Robotaxis looking to take bigger slice of transport pie


Chinese technology companies are ramping up efforts to launch self-driving taxi services in an attempt to bolster large-scale commercial use of the growing transportation solutions.

Huangpu enterprises strong in innovation


Twenty-two companies from Huangpu district were among the top 50 Guangzhou enterprises by innovation in 2020.

Speedy new patrol vessel to be commissioned this year


A large ocean patrol ship, expected to be commissioned by the middle of this year, will show off the domestic development of high-quality maritime equipment.

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