China rolls out measures to boost foreign investment
The Guangzhou municipal government recently approved a set of support policies for attracting and utilizing foreign investment, formulated by the Guangzhou municipal commerce bureau.
Chinese authorities recently released revised rules on foreign investors' strategic investment in listed companies.
The Guangzhou People's Congress has framed draft rules to further expand the operation of autonomous taxis and buses in the capital city of Guangdong province.
The first administrative plan for intellectual property protection in the digital economy, titled "Enhancing Intellectual Property Protection in Guangzhou Development District and Huangpu District," was recently released in Huangpu district.
Notice on Issuing the Measures of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Huangpu District of Guangzhou City and the Construction and Transportation Bureau of Guangzhou Development District for Implementing the Policies to Promote High-quality Talent Development in Guangzhou Development District (Huangpu District)
Guangzhou's development district and Huangpu district have introduced a pioneering initiative aimed at driving large-scale equipment upgrades and consumer goods trade-ins.
China will formulate policies to bolster compliance and efficient circulation for the trading of data, as well as establish a revenue distribution system concerning data elements this year, as part of a broader push to foster new growth drivers and fully unleash the value of massive data resources, the National Data Administration said on Tuesday.
Huangpu district in Guangzhou has taken a pioneering step in fostering the silver economy with the introduction of the "10 measures for the silver economy" on March 14.
China will continue working toward the swift implementation and effectiveness of the policy package aimed at enhancing the investment climate for foreign businesses and attracting more foreign investment, the Ministry of Commerce said on Wednesday.