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Hydrogen energy company chooses Huangpu for favorable business environment

Updated : 2024-07-23

In 2017, SinoHyKey Technology Company, the first hydrogen energy firm, established its operations in the Guangzhou Development District, citing Huangpu's excellent business environment as a key factor in their decision.


The first-floor lobby of the SinoHyKey Technology Company. [Photo/WeChat account: guangzhougaoxinqu]

After evaluating multiple regions, SinoHyKey found Huangpu to offer substantial advantages in terms of policy support, economic strength, industrial chain integration, and talent resources.

As a hub for the development of new energy and automotive industries in Guangzhou, Huangpu exhibits a positive industrial chain effect.

Throughout the establishment and expansion process, the company benefited from the district government's comprehensive policies and focused support. The efficient implementation of these policies, including streamlined procedures through a one-stop service window, facilitated a smooth business setup.

Huangpu has designated the hydrogen energy sector as a key development focus, expanding the industry's infrastructure and introducing supportive policies to foster innovation. These initiatives provide collaborative opportunities and market space, further enhancing Huangpu's attractiveness to enterprises in the sector.

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