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Explore Truth Book House in Huangpu's Truth Park

Updated : 2024-05-24

Located on the north side of Truth Park in Huangpu district, the Truth Book House is a modern public reading and leisure space that, along with the park's Truth Square, Spirit Forest, and Friendship Pavilion, collectively forms a culturally rich environment.


The Truth Book House is nestled among the green trees. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_ce3bb2268796]

The environment exudes an aura of authenticity, captivating visitors with its inherent power and allure. It offers an opportunity not only for the enjoyment of literature but also for a profound immersion in the cultural essence of the park.

At the entrance screen of the book house, classic quotes from the Party's leaders about truth are displayed, with the notable saying, "The development of practice knows no bounds, just like our pursuit of truth, which never ceases," prompting profound reflection.

The book house showcases ingenuity by presenting world classic works such as The Republic, The Social Contract, Manifesto of the Communist Party, and Capital in oversized book forms in chronological order of publication, becoming a unique highlight of the book house.


A tall life tree in the book house. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_ce3bb2268796]

In the tiered reading area, a tall life tree is arranged to separate adult and children's reading materials, ensuring that every reader can find a suitable reading space.

The book house is divided into designated areas for books, reading, discussions, and relaxation. It is equipped with advanced self-service borrowing and returning machines, along with self-service water vending machines, creating a comfortable and tranquil reading environment. The facility provides a place for people to engage in deep reading, communication, and relaxation.

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