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Talents promotion implementation rules for policies and measures for high-quality development from Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Guangzhou Development District (Huangpu district), Guangzhou

Updated : 2024-05-15

A notice from the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Huangpu District, Guangzhou

Huangpu District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Guangzhou City implements the Guangzhou Development District (Huangpu District) Talent Promotion Program Rules for the Implementation of Policies and Measures for High-quality Development

The "Implementation Rules of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Huangpu District, Guangzhou City to Implement the Policies and Measures of Guangzhou Development District (Huangpu District) to Promote High-quality Talent Development" have been approved by the Guangzhou Development District Management Committee and the People's Government of Huangpu District, Guangzhou City , and are now issued for implementation. If there are any problems in the process, please report to the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Huangpu District.

                      Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Huangpu district, Guangzhou

                      April 18, 2024

Talents promotion implementation rules for policies and measures for high-quality development from Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Guangzhou Development District (Huangpu district), Guangzhou

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 In order to implement the "Guangzhou Development District (Huangpu district) Policies and Measures to Promote the High-Quality Development of Talents, the fine print is formulated based on the actual situation of the district.

Article 2 These detailed rules apply to business relationships within the scope of Guangzhou Development District , Huangpu district of Guangzhou and its entrusted management and subordinate parks (hereinafter referred to as the "district" ) , which have a sound financial system and an independent legal personality (A separate branch company shall be deemed to have an independent legal personality), implement independent accounting, and comply with credit management regulations, as well as individuals working in the aforementioned units (unless otherwise provided in these rules).

These detailed rules shall apply to enterprises or institutions under the jurisdiction of the tax authorities of Guangdong province and Guangzhou that meet the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article.

Article 3 The district human resources and social security department is responsible for the organization and implementation of these rules.


Chapter 2 Cultivating Budding Entrepreneurs

Article 4  No more than 10 emerging entrepreneurs will be selected each year from small and medium-sized enterprises in the district , and will be given funding in the first, second and third tiers of 200,000 yuan ($27,697.74), 150,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan, respectively .

Small and medium-sized enterprises refer to enterprises that are classified as the corresponding types according to the "Notice on Issuing the Standards for Classifying Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Joint Enterprise [2011] No. 300), "Notice on Issuing the Statistical Classification Methods for Large, Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises (2017) " ( Guotongzi [2017] No. 213), "Notice on Implementing the Amendment to the First National Economic Industry Classification" (Guotongzi [2019] No. 66) and other documents. If the state and the province issue new regulations, or the competent industry departments issue specific classification regulations, classification shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant regulations.

Article 5 Applications for this project should meet the following conditions:

(1) Be honest and trustworthy, and have no criminal record or have committed any illegal acts.

(2) Must be the legal representative or shareholder of the enterprise.

(3) Social insurance premiums must be paid continuously for more than one year when starting a business .

(4) The founding enterprise must be a small or medium-sized enterprise that has been registered in the district within 5 years (enterprises where all shareholders are legal person shareholders are not allowed to participate).

(5) To establish an enterprise, more than 10 people must be employed, and a labor contract of more than one year must be signed with the employed personnel, and social insurance premiums must be paid for more than three consecutive months. In the entrepreneurial process, firms are encouraged to actively absorb people with employment difficulties registered in the district, people who have been lifted out of poverty in the cooperative areas, fresh college graduates, college graduates who have left school for two years and are unemployed, retired soldiers, and young people from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan region.

Article 6 : Selection is conducted once a year in the form of a comprehensive review, mainly examining indicators such as entrepreneurial direction, core technology, employment number created by entrepreneurship, and operating income.

(I) Declaration: The applicant shall submit the declaration materials according to the notice.

(II) Review. Organize and carry out the review.

(III)Investigation: Investigate and verify the social insurance relationship and compliance with laws and regulations of the recommended candidates.

(IV) Publicity: The list of candidates to be selected will be determined and announced to the public for 5 working days.

(V) Approval. After publicity without any objection, the proposed list will be submitted to the district Party Committee Talent Work Leading Group for approval, and the district Party Committee Talent Work Leading Group Office will print and distribute the selected list.

(VI) Disbursement: Handle fund disbursement procedures in accordance with prescribed procedures.

Article 7 Before the selection results are announced, the social insurance relationship of the selected personnel should be maintained continuously in the enterprise they founded. Personnel and enterprises that have been selected for this project (including the "Self-employed Star" selection project in the "Implementation Rules of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Huangpu district, Guangzhou on Implementing Several Measures to Vigorously Support the Development and Growth of Private and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises") shall not participate in the selection again.


Chapter 3 Postdoctoral Funding

Article 8  Postdoctoral funding projects include station establishment funding, recruitment incentives, living allowances, postdoctoral awards, and settlement allowance.

Section 1 Station Setup Funding

Article 9 : Units that establish new postdoctoral scientific research mobile stations, postdoctoral scientific research workstations, postdoctoral innovation practice bases and district postdoctoral innovation centers in the district will be given station establishment subsidies of 500,000 yuan, 500,000 yuan, 200,000 yuan, and 50,000 yuan, respectively.

If the district postdoctoral innovation center is approved to establish a postdoctoral scientific research mobile station, a postdoctoral scientific research workstation, and a postdoctoral innovation practice base, and if the postdoctoral innovation practice base is approved to establish a postdoctoral scientific research mobile station or a postdoctoral scientific research workstation, it can receive funding corresponding to the approved station category. Standard makes up the difference.

Article 10 Applicants for this project should meet the following conditions:

(1) The applicant unit is an enterprise, private non-enterprise or institution in the district. Institutions refer to scientific research institutes and scientific and technological innovation service institutions, or national laboratories (including bases), national technological innovation centers, provincial laboratories, major scientific and technological infrastructure supporting units, high-level innovation research institutes, new R&D institutions, and scientific research institutes that have signed a co-construction (or cooperation) agreement to support the construction of the Guangdong Provincial People's Government, the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, the Guangzhou Development District Management Committee, and the Guangzhou Huangpu district People's Government. 

(2) The applicant unit is approved to establish a postdoctoral scientific research mobile station, a postdoctoral scientific research workstation, a postdoctoral innovation practice base, and a district postdoctoral innovation center between May 17, 2020, and the expiration of the validity period of these rules, and recruit more than 1 doctor to join the station full-time to carry out postdoctoral scientific research work. The same unit can only apply once for each category of station establishment funding.

Article 11 The applicant unit must submit an application within one year of recruiting one or more PhD students to the station and engaging in full-time postdoctoral research for 12 months. At the time of application, the recruited PhD students must have continuously paid social insurance premiums at the recruiting unit since they entered the station.

Section 2 Recruitment Incentives

Article 12 : Each station (base, center) unit will be given a reward of 50,000 yuan for each doctoral student recruited to the station, with a maximum reward of 500,000 yuan per unit per year.

The station (base, center) setting unit refers to the unit that has been approved to establish a postdoctoral research mobile station, a postdoctoral research workstation (including branch stations), a postdoctoral innovation practice base, and a district postdoctoral innovation center.

Article 13 Applicants for this project must meet the following conditions:

(1) The station (base, center) establishment unit complies with the provisions of Article 10, Item 1.

(2) Postdoctoral fellows should be no more than 40 years old when they enter the station. After entering, they will carry out full-time scientific research work in the unit where the station (base, center) is established .

(3) Postdoctoral fellows should enter the station after May 17, 2023 and before the expiration of the validity period of these rules.

Article 14  The applicant must apply within 1 year of the postdoctoral fellow passing the mid-term assessment. And when applying, the recruited PhD students must have paid social insurance premiums continuously at the applying unit since entering the station.

Section 3 Living Subsidy

Article 15  A one-time living allowance of RMB 100,000 will be given to each in-station (base, center) postdoctoral fellow (except those jointly recruited by the mobile station within the region and the workstation or base outside the region) .

Article 16 Applicants for this project must meet the following conditions:

(1) The station (base, center) unit meets the requirements of Article 10, Item (1) and the staff of the aforementioned unit are subject to this project.

(2) The postdoctoral fellow shall be no older than 40 years old when entering the station, and shall carry out scientific research work full-time in the station (base, center) after entering the station.

(3) Postdoctoral fellows should enter the station after May 17, 2023 and before the expiration of these regulations.

Article 17  Applicants must apply within 1 year of passing the mid-term postdoctoral entrance examination . And when applying, the postdoctoral fellow must has paid social insurance premiums continuously at the station unit since entering it.

Section 4 Postdoctoral Rewards

Article 18 Postdoctoral fellows at the station are encouraged to apply for funding from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. Those who apply for special funding from the foundation and are approved for general funding will be given one-time rewards of 100,000 yuan and 50,000 yuan, respectively.

Article 19 Applications for this project should meet the following conditions:

(1) The unit that establishes the station (base, center) complies with the provisions of Article 10, Item (1) and the current personnel of the aforementioned units are suitable for (?) this project.

(2) The postdoctoral fellow shall be no older than 40 when entering the station, and shall carry out scientific research work full-time in the station (base, center) after entering.

(3) Approved for special funding or general funding from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.

(4) The approval time for postdoctoral funding should be after May 17, 2023 and before the expiration of these rules.

Article 20 Applicants should submit their applications within one year of being approved for funding by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation . At the time of application, the postdoctoral fellow must have continuously paid social insurance premiums at the institution where the postdoctoral fellow works since entering the postdoctoral station.

Article 21 Circumstances where recruitment incentives, living subsidies, and postdoctoral rewards are not available:

(1) In-service personnel who come to a station (base, center) to engage in postdoctoral research.

(2) PhD students who have been employed at a station (base, center) for more than one year and who, after leaving their jobs or resigning, return to their original unit (including those within the group or affiliated units) to conduct postdoctoral research.

Section 5: Resettlement Expenses

Article 22 Postdoctoral fellows who leave their stations (bases, centers) and come to work in this district or start their own business will be given a resettlement allowance of up to 400,000 yuan, which will be paid in two equal installments.

Article 23 Applicants for this project must meet the following conditions:

(1) Working or starting a business in this district from May 17, 2023 till the expiration of these rules.

(2) If the work unit meets the rules of Article 10, Item (1), this item is applicable to the regular staff of the aforementioned unit.

(3) Postdoctoral personnel working in the district should sign a labor contract of more than three years with the employer in the district within one year of leaving the station and continuously pay social insurance premiums in the district. Postdoctoral personnel who start their own business should establish an enterprise or institution in the district within one year of leaving the station , and the postdoctoral fellow shall continue to pay social insurance premiums in the enterprise or institution. When applying for this project, the enterprise or institution established has an office space and is in normal operation. It needs to recruit more than 5 people, sign a labor contract with the recruiters for more than one year, and pay social insurance premiums continuously for more than 6 months.

Article 24 The resettlement expenses will be paid in two equal installments. Applications for the first phase must be submitted within one year of working or starting a business in the district for one year, and applications for the second phase must be submitted within one year of working or starting a business in the district for three years.

The exit time is based on the time displayed on the "China Postdoctoral Online Office System".

The time to work in this district starts from the signing of the labor contract and the payment of social insurance premiums.

The first and second phase postdoctoral settlement expenses in the district before May 16, 2023 are not allowed to enjoy this project repeatedly. When applying for postdoctoral resettlement expenses, the applicant must ensure that the social insurance relationship is always in the district.

Article 25 The issue of the connection between old and new policies is explained as follows:

(1) Approval to set up stations (bases, centers) during the period when the "Implementation Measures for Gathering ‘Huangpu Talents’ in Huangpu district, Guangzhou Development District " and units approved to set up stations (bases, centers) during the effective period of its supporting policies, as well as postdoctoral fellows who are approved to enter the station and work in the district and meet the relevant reward conditions of the original policy, will be funded in accordance with the relevant provisions of the original policy. Funding projects related to the original policy must apply before December 31, 2024. Failure to do so will be deemed to automatically surrender the application qualification, except for postdoctoral resettlement expenses.

(2) From May 17, 2023 to the expiration of the validity period of these rules, units approved to set up stations (bases, centers), as well as postdoctoral fellows who are approved to enter the station, work in the district, or start their own businesses and meet the reward conditions of these rules, funding will be provided in accordance with the relevant provisions of these rules.

Chapter 4 Funding for the Training of Outstanding Youth

Article 26 A subsidy of up to 600,000 yuan will be given to talents selected by scientific research institutes with doctoral degree training sites in the region to send outstanding young people to well-known overseas universities for international doctoral joint training , study for doctoral degrees, and return to work in the region after graduation.

Well-known overseas universities refer to the latest British higher education research institution QS (Quacquarelli Symonds), The Times of UK, US News, and the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) which ranks the top 200 overseas universities in the authoritative ranking of universities at the time of application (any list is acceptable) (hereinafter referred to as "overseas universities").

Talents who return to work in the district after graduation refer to talents who return to the district for employment or start a business after graduation with a PhD (hereinafter referred to as "joint training candidates").

Article 27 Applicants for this project should meet the following conditions :

(1) Joint training candidates should love the People's Republic of China, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, support socialism with Chinese characteristics, and must not engage in behavior that endangers the unity, security, honor or interests of the People's Republic of China;  have a sound political, ideological and moral character, act in a professional manner, be of sound physical and mental health, and have no criminal record or history of illegal acts.

(2) When applying for this project, the joint training candidate will not be selected and cannot enjoy the same type of funding projects. The same type of funding projects refer to the national government-sponsored overseas study projects, Guangzhou "Elite Plan" study abroad projects, and doctoral degree programs funded by the district finance. If the applicant is selected or enjoys the same type of funding project afterwards, the district human resources and social security department will terminate the applicant's continued enjoyment of this funding, and the funds that have been allocated will be returned to the applicant.

(3) When applying for the first time, the joint training candidate should have a master's degree recognized by the Ministry of Education and be eligible for admission to overseas universities. In principle, they should be no older than 40. They should sign a joint training agreement with a scientific research institute and promise to return to the region to serve for more than 5 years after graduation.

(4) Joint training subjects should complete their studies within the prescribed period and return to the district to serve at the agreed time. Without the consent of the district human resources and social security department, the training period shall not be changed or the return time shall not be extended without authorization.

(5) If the joint training candidates return to the district for employment, they shall sign a labor contract or employment agreement of more than 5 years with the employer in the district within six months of their return and pay social insurance premiums in accordance with the law.

(6) If the joint training candidates return to the district to start a business, they must complete the registration procedures there within 1 year of returning to China, and they must be the legal representative of the registered institution and pay social insurance premiums continuously at the institution. When applying for this project, the registered institution must be operating normally, have recruited more than 5 people, sign a labor contract with the recruited personnel for more than 1 year and pay social insurance premiums for more than 3 consecutive months . It is encouraged to actively absorb people with employment difficulties registered in the district , people who have been lifted out of poverty in the cooperative areas, fresh college graduates, college graduates who have been out of school for 2 years and have not found employment, retired soldiers, and young people from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan region in the process of entrepreneurship .

Article 28 The subsidy standard is 15,000 yuan per person per month. The actual subsidy amount is subject to the joint training agreement, with a maximum of 600,000 yuan per person. The subsidy will be distributed in three phases. Joint training candidates can apply for 30 percent of the total subsidy after obtaining their admission qualifications. After passing the mid-term evaluation, they can apply for 30 percent of the total subsidy. After obtaining a doctorate and returning to work in the district for five years, they can apply for 40 percent of the total amount of funding.

Article 29 Training, management and services:

(1) Joint training candidates should consciously safeguard the honor of the motherland, abide by the laws of our country and overseas countries or regions during the period of receiving funding from this project, and shall not participate in any activities that damage the dignity or honor of the motherland.

(2) After the joint training candidates arrive in an overseas country or region, they should promptly purchase medical insurance in accordance with the requirements of the location. The expenses and losses incurred due to failure to purchase medical insurance shall be borne by the individual.

(3) Scientific research institutes should closely track the overseas life and study trends of joint training candidates, and submit a stamped version of the annual training report to the district human resources and social security department before December 15 of each year. Joint training candidates should submit a semester study report (in Chinese) of no less than 500 words to the district human resources and social security department at the end of each semester focusing on their learning status and scientific research project development. The report must be signed by both tutors and stamped with the official seal of the institution.

(4) Joint training candidates should report to the scientific research institute within one month of completing their studies. The scientific research institute should submit a stamped summary of the joint training situation within one month of their registration. The summary must include the overall situation and talent training effects during the training period.

(5) Scientific research institutes should closely follow up on the employment or entrepreneurship of joint training candidates in the district, and provide stamped half-year and full-year employment reports to the district human resources and social security department before June 30 and December 15 of each year, respectively. Alternatively, they can submit a report on the status of starting a business, and a list of social insurance premiums paid by joint training candidates in the district.

(6) Funding fees will be uniformly allocated to the fixed account of the scientific research institute, and the scientific research institute will pay the joint training candidates in accordance with the agreement and the regulations on the use of financial funds. Scientific research institutes should consciously accept the supervision and audit of funds in this district. Before June 30 and December 15 of each year, scientific research institutes should provide stamped half-year and full-year fund usage reports and corresponding bank statements to the district human resources and social security department, respectively.

(7) If a joint training candidate terminates the joint training agreement or returns to the country early without completing the studies stipulated in the joint training agreement, or if he or she returns to serve in the district for less than 5 years of completing their studies, the subsidy fee shall be returned in full and the candidate has to pay the corresponding liquidated damages according to the agreement. The district human resources and social security department and the scientific research institute will recover the disbursed funding fees within 6 months. Scientific research institutes must bear corresponding responsibilities in accordance with the joint training agreement.


Chapter 5 New Entry Rewards

Article 30: Rewards of 30,000 yuan and 50,000 yuan will be given to qualified master's degree students, doctoral students or talents with professional and technical titles above associate senior level, respectively.

Article 31 Applicants for this project must meet the following conditions:

(1) The applicant's work unit is an enterprise or institution in this district. Institutions refer to scientific research institutes and scientific and technological innovation service institutions supported by the Guangdong Provincial People's Government, Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government, Guangzhou Development District Management Committee, and Huangpu district People's Government of Guangzhou in signing a co-construction (or cooperation) agreement, or national laboratories (including bases), national technology innovation centers, provincial laboratories, major scientific and technological infrastructure supporting units, high-level innovation research institutes, new R&D institutions, and key scientific research institutes. Branches of enterprises established in this district that implement unified economic accounting are applicable to this project.

(2) The applicant will register as a resident in this district after May 17, 2023 and will register as a resident in Guangzhou for the first time. Full-time graduate students who have moved into the collective household of a university in Guangzhou and move their household registration from the collective household of the university to this district will be deemed as newly registering as a resident in this district (hereinafter referred to as "school collectives").

(3) The applicant has obtained a master's or doctoral degree or an equivalent degree from abroad recognized by the Ministry of Education's Overseas Study Service Center, or has obtained a professional technical title of senior associate or higher.

(4) Applicants with senior professional and technical titles must be no older than 50, applicants with associate senior professional and technical titles must be no older than 40, doctoral students must be no older than 40, and master's students must be no older than 28. The age calculation deadline is December 31 of the year prior to application.

Article 32  Circumstances where people are not eligible for the rewards of this project:

(1) The applicant signs a labor dispatch contract or labor cooperation agreement with a human resources service agency.

(2) The applicant has made a supplementary payment or paid on behalf of others for social insurance premiums.

(3) School collectives have paid an employee pension insurance with an employer outside the district before registering in the district.

(4) The applicant moves his/her household registration out of this district, terminates the labor contract with the employer who submitted the application, or changes the social insurance relationship before the acceptance and review of this project is completed.

(5) The applicant has paid social insurance premiums repeatedly.

(6) The applicant is listed as a dishonest person.

Article 33 After entering the household, the applicant should have paid social insurance premiums in accordance with the law for more than one year in the same unit in the district and submitted the application within two years of obtaining permanent residence in the district.

Applicants who work for the same group company and its subsidiaries (branches) in this district shall be deemed to work in the same unit.

Article 34 The connection between the old and new policies is explained as follows:

(1) Talents who settle in the district during the period when the "Implementation Measures for Gathering Talents in Huangpu district, Guangzhou Development District " and its supporting policies are in effect, and who have been insured for one year prior to May 31, 2024 and meet the reward conditions of the original policy, will be given subsidies in accordance with the relevant provisions of the original policy.

(2) Talents who settle in this district after May 17, 2023 and meet the reward conditions of these rules will be given subsidies in accordance with the relevant provisions of these rules.


Chapter 6: Subsidy for Skilled Craftsmen

Article 35  No more than 20 skilled craftsmen will be selected each year, and first, second and third level funding will be provided at 300,000 yuan, 200,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan, respectively, which will be paid out in equal amounts over two years.

Skilled craftsmen refer to talents who are directly engaged in production, technology, R&D and other work on the front line, have high technical skills and innovation capabilities, and can serve as a role model and lead by example.

Article 36 Applications for this project should meet the following conditions:

(1) Abide by all the existing laws and regulations, be honest and trustworthy, and have sound professional ethics.

(2) The unit is an enterprise or institution in this district. Institutions refer to scientific research institutes and scientific and technological innovation service institutions supported by the Guangdong Provincial People's Government, Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, Guangzhou Development District Management Committee, and Huangpu district People's Government of Guangzhou in signing a co-construction (or cooperation) agreement, or national laboratories (including bases), national technology innovation centers, provincial laboratories, major scientific and technological infrastructure supporting units, high-level innovation research institutes, new R&D institutions, and key scientific research institutes. Sole proprietorships that are not independent legal entities, whose business relations are in this district, have a sound financial system, implement independent accounting, and comply with credit management regulations, are applicable to this project. It focuses on the advanced manufacturing industries, modern service industries, and strategic emerging industries in the district.

(3) In principle, applicants should have a technical qualification certificate or above, a professional skill level certificate or a senior professional technical qualification certificate or a professional title certificate (China Skills Award winner, National Technical Expert, National Model Worker, National May Day Labor Medal and other national honors are not subject to this condition).

( 4 ) Work continuously for more than 1 year in a full-time front-line technical position in the district ( applicants working in the same group company and its subsidiaries in the district are deemed to work in the same unit ).

( 5 ) When applying, you must provide one of the following relevant performance results in the past five years:

1. Individual vocational skills and technologies are at the leading level in the same industry, and have obtained skills competition honors, technology research and development awards, other skills and technology-related honors, or been awarded honorary titles such as model workers (those who have obtained special allowances at any level or model workers at any level, May Day Labor Medal and other national-level lifetime honorary awards and skills competition awards at district level or above are not subject to the 5-year time limit).

2. Make outstanding contributions in important inventions and creations, technological or process innovations, obtain patents, provide core technical support, solve major production processes or technical problems, summarize and form unique operating processes and operating methods, and generate significant economic or social benefits.

3. Lead the technological development of the industry, have outstanding achievements in the introduction and promotion of advanced applicable technologies, and compile industry technical standards, produce significant economic or social benefits, and have a greater impact.

4. Study technology diligently, possess unique skills, create advanced operating methods recognized by peers, and be named and commended by relevant departments above the municipal level, which has a certain promotional value in the same industry.

5. Carry forward the team spirit and craftsman spirit, actively teach apprentices and skills, cultivate a large number of elite skilled talents, and become the core technical backbone of the units in the district, with great influence both domestically and in the industry.

Article 37 Selection will be carried out once a year, using a comprehensive review method. Process:

(I) Declaration. The applicant shall submit application materials according to the requirements of the application notice.

(II) Review: Organize and carry out the review.

(III) Investigation: Investigate and verify the social insurance relationship and compliance with laws and regulations of the recommended candidates.

(IV) Publicity: The list of candidates to be selected will be determined and announced to the public for 5 working days.

(V) Approval: After publicity without objection, the proposed list will be submitted to the district Party Committee Talent Work Leading Group for approval, and the district Party Committee Talent Work Leading Group Office will print and distribute the selected list.

(VI) Disbursement: Handle fund disbursement procedures in accordance with prescribed procedures.

Article 38 During the period from selection to grant disbursement, the social insurance relationship of the selected personnel should be continuously maintained in the enterprises or institutions in this district.

Article 39. Those who have been selected as outstanding talents, excellent talents, elite talents, outstanding scientific and technological talents (Type A), excellent scientific and technological talents (Type B), elite scientific and technological talents (Type C), emerging scientific and technological talents (Type D), "Huangpu Craftsmen" and talents of this project shall not participate in the selection process again.


Chapter 5 New Entry Rewards

Article 30: Rewards of 30,000 yuan and 50,000 yuan will be given to qualified master's degree students, doctoral students or talents with professional and technical titles above associate senior level, respectively.

Article 31 Applicants for this project must meet the following conditions:

(1) The applicant's work unit is an enterprise or institution in this district. Institutions refer to scientific research institutes and scientific and technological innovation service institutions supported by the Guangdong Provincial People's Government, Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government, Guangzhou Development District Management Committee, and Huangpu district People's Government of Guangzhou in signing a co-construction (or cooperation) agreement, or national laboratories (including bases), national technology innovation centers, provincial laboratories, major scientific and technological infrastructure supporting units, high-level innovation research institutes, new R&D institutions, and key scientific research institutes. Branches of enterprises established in this district that implement unified economic accounting are applicable to this project.

(2) The applicant will register as a resident in this district after May 17, 2023 and will register as a resident in Guangzhou for the first time. Full-time graduate students who have moved into the collective household of a university in Guangzhou and move their household registration from the collective household of the university to this district will be deemed as newly registering as a resident in this district (hereinafter referred to as "school collectives").

(3) The applicant has obtained a master's or doctoral degree or an equivalent degree from abroad recognized by the Ministry of Education's Overseas Study Service Center, or has obtained a professional technical title of senior associate or higher.

(4) Applicants with senior professional and technical titles must be no older than 50, applicants with associate senior professional and technical titles must be no older than 40, doctoral students must be no older than 40, and master's students must be no older than 28. The age calculation deadline is December 31 of the year prior to application.

Article 32  Circumstances where people are not eligible for the rewards of this project:

(1) The applicant signs a labor dispatch contract or labor cooperation agreement with a human resources service agency.

(2) The applicant has made a supplementary payment or paid on behalf of others for social insurance premiums.

(3) School collectives have paid an employee pension insurance with an employer outside the district before registering in the district.

(4) The applicant moves his/her household registration out of this district, terminates the labor contract with the employer who submitted the application, or changes the social insurance relationship before the acceptance and review of this project is completed.

(5) The applicant has paid social insurance premiums repeatedly.

(6) The applicant is listed as a dishonest person.

Article 33 After entering the household, the applicant should have paid social insurance premiums in accordance with the law for more than one year in the same unit in the district and submitted the application within two years of obtaining permanent residence in the district.

Applicants who work for the same group company and its subsidiaries (branches) in this district shall be deemed to work in the same unit.

Article 34 The connection between the old and new policies is explained as follows:

(1) Talents who settle in the district during the period when the "Implementation Measures for Gathering Talents in Huangpu district, Guangzhou Development District " and its supporting policies are in effect, and who have been insured for one year prior to May 31, 2024 and meet the reward conditions of the original policy, will be given subsidies in accordance with the relevant provisions of the original policy.

(2) Talents who settle in this district after May 17, 2023 and meet the reward conditions of these rules will be given subsidies in accordance with the relevant provisions of these rules.


Chapter 6: Subsidy for Skilled Craftsmen

Article 35  No more than 20 skilled craftsmen will be selected each year, and first, second and third level funding will be provided at 300,000 yuan, 200,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan, respectively, which will be paid out in equal amounts over two years.

Skilled craftsmen refer to talents who are directly engaged in production, technology, R&D and other work on the front line, have high technical skills and innovation capabilities, and can serve as a role model and lead by example.

Article 36 Applications for this project should meet the following conditions:

(1) Abide by all the existing laws and regulations, be honest and trustworthy, and have sound professional ethics.

(2) The unit is an enterprise or institution in this district. Institutions refer to scientific research institutes and scientific and technological innovation service institutions supported by the Guangdong Provincial People's Government, Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, Guangzhou Development District Management Committee, and Huangpu district People's Government of Guangzhou in signing a co-construction (or cooperation) agreement, or national laboratories (including bases), national technology innovation centers, provincial laboratories, major scientific and technological infrastructure supporting units, high-level innovation research institutes, new R&D institutions, and key scientific research institutes. Sole proprietorships that are not independent legal entities, whose business relations are in this district, have a sound financial system, implement independent accounting, and comply with credit management regulations, are applicable to this project. It focuses on the advanced manufacturing industries, modern service industries, and strategic emerging industries in the district.

(3) In principle, applicants should have a technical qualification certificate or above, a professional skill level certificate or a senior professional technical qualification certificate or a professional title certificate (China Skills Award winner, National Technical Expert, National Model Worker, National May Day Labor Medal and other national honors are not subject to this condition).

( 4 ) Work continuously for more than 1 year in a full-time front-line technical position in the district ( applicants working in the same group company and its subsidiaries in the district are deemed to work in the same unit ).

( 5 ) When applying, you must provide one of the following relevant performance results in the past five years:

1. Individual vocational skills and technologies are at the leading level in the same industry, and have obtained skills competition honors, technology research and development awards, other skills and technology-related honors, or been awarded honorary titles such as model workers (those who have obtained special allowances at any level or model workers at any level, May Day Labor Medal and other national-level lifetime honorary awards and skills competition awards at district level or above are not subject to the 5-year time limit).

2. Make outstanding contributions in important inventions and creations, technological or process innovations, obtain patents, provide core technical support, solve major production processes or technical problems, summarize and form unique operating processes and operating methods, and generate significant economic or social benefits.

3. Lead the technological development of the industry, have outstanding achievements in the introduction and promotion of advanced applicable technologies, and compile industry technical standards, produce significant economic or social benefits, and have a greater impact.

4. Study technology diligently, possess unique skills, create advanced operating methods recognized by peers, and be named and commended by relevant departments above the municipal level, which has a certain promotional value in the same industry.

5. Carry forward the team spirit and craftsman spirit, actively teach apprentices and skills, cultivate a large number of elite skilled talents, and become the core technical backbone of the units in the district, with great influence both domestically and in the industry.

Article 37 Selection will be carried out once a year, using a comprehensive review method. Process:

(I) Declaration. The applicant shall submit application materials according to the requirements of the application notice.

(II) Review: Organize and carry out the review.

(III) Investigation: Investigate and verify the social insurance relationship and compliance with laws and regulations of the recommended candidates.

(IV) Publicity: The list of candidates to be selected will be determined and announced to the public for 5 working days.

(V) Approval: After publicity without objection, the proposed list will be submitted to the district Party Committee Talent Work Leading Group for approval, and the district Party Committee Talent Work Leading Group Office will print and distribute the selected list.

(VI) Disbursement: Handle fund disbursement procedures in accordance with prescribed procedures.

Article 38 During the period from selection to grant disbursement, the social insurance relationship of the selected personnel should be continuously maintained in the enterprises or institutions in this district.

Article 39. Those who have been selected as outstanding talents, excellent talents, elite talents, outstanding scientific and technological talents (Type A), excellent scientific and technological talents (Type B), elite scientific and technological talents (Type C), emerging scientific and technological talents (Type D), "Huangpu Craftsmen" and talents of this project shall not participate in the selection process again.

Chapter 7 Housing Subsidy for Skilled Workers

Article 40 No more than 1,000 outstanding high-skilled talents, no more than 250 technical backbones, and no more than 250 management talents will be selected each year, and each will be given a housing subsidy of 6,000 yuan.

Article 41 The selection of outstanding high-skilled talents shall focus on the applicant’s performance in inventions, technological or process innovation, formulation of technical standards, acquisition of patents, awards in professional skills competitions, and the provision of core technical support.

Technical backbones refer to those who have achieved an outstanding performance in production, technology, R&D and other positions of enterprises or institutions. This focuses on the applicant's inventions and creations, technological or process innovations, compilation of technical standards, obtaining patents, providing core technical support , teaching skills or promoting experience and other aspects of achievements.

Management talents refer to those who hold middle-level management positions or above (department deputy or above) in enterprises or institutions. The applicant's performance in management level, professional qualification level, costs and benefits, management technology innovation and transformation, team training, etc., will be mainly examined.

Article 42 Housing subsidies for outstanding high-skilled talents should meet the following conditions:

(1) Be honest and trustworthy and have sound professional ethics. Master professional knowledge and technology, possess excellent operational skills, have an outstanding work performance, and be able to set an example and lead the way in the unit.

(2) Work continuously in front-line production or technical management positions of the same enterprise in the district for more than one year and pay social insurance premiums in the enterprise for more than one year. For those engaged in labor dispatch work, the social insurance premium payment unit must be an enterprise in the district.

(3) Obtained a national vocational qualification certificate or vocational skill level certificate above senior worker level.

Article 43 Housing subsidies for technical backbones and housing subsidies for management talents should meet the following conditions:

(1) Be honest and trustworthy, have sound professional ethics and a strong sense of professionalism, have a strong management level or superb technical skills, have the ability to innovate, and show an outstanding track record in this position.

(2) Work in a technical position in the work unit, master a solid professional foundation and technical level, have a strong innovation ability, and serve as a role model and take the lead in the work unit; or hold an important position in the management of the work unit, exercise management functions, master professional management knowledge, be able to direct or coordinate others to complete specific tasks, and have an outstanding performance.

(3) Working continuously for more than one year in the same enterprise or institution and paying social insurance premiums in the employer for more than one year (the same enterprise or institution, specifically the same legal entity).

Article 44: Selection will be conducted once a year, using a comprehensive review method. The same applicant can only choose one category to apply for each time. The same talent can participate in the evaluation multiple times. Process:

(1) Declaration. The applicant shall submit application materials according to the requirements of the notice.

(2) Review. Organize and conduct reviews.

(3) Verification. Verify the recommended candidate's social insurance relationship, application for other housing subsidies and home purchase subsidies in the district, and accommodation in talent housing in the district.

(4) Publicity. The list of candidates to be selected will be determined and announced to the public within 5 working days. After publicity, the district human resources and social security department will issue a document to announce the list.

(5) Disbursement. Handle fund allocation procedures in accordance with prescribed procedures.

Article 45 Before the selection results are announced, the social insurance relationship of the selected personnel should be maintained continuously in the enterprises or institutions of this district. The selected personnel who have applied for other housing subsidies, housing purchase subsidies and have moved into the talent housing of this district shall not receive this subsidy.


Chapter 8 Professional and Technical Personnel Support

Section 1 Professional Title Promotion Training Funding

Article 46 For professional and technical personnel working in key industrial units in the district, if they obtain a new associate senior professional title through professional title evaluation, they will be given a one-time training subsidy of 4,000 yuan; if they obtain a new senior professional title through professional title evaluation, they will be given a one-time training subsidy of 8,000 yuan. This clause applies to those who have obtained a new senior professional and technical qualification certificate through the national professional and technical qualification examination.

Article 47 Applicants for this project must meet the following conditions:

(1) The work unit is an enterprise or institution in the district. Institutions refer to scientific research institutes and scientific and technological innovation service institutions supported by the Guangdong Provincial People's Government, Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, Guangzhou Development District Management Committee, and Huangpu district People's Government of Guangzhou in signing a co-construction (or cooperation) agreement, or national laboratories (including bases), national technology innovation centers, provincial laboratories, major scientific and technological infrastructure supporting units, high-level innovation research institutes, new R&D institutions, and key scientific research institutes.

(2) The main business of the work unit is a key industry in the region.

(3) The applicant has signed a labor contract with the employer and has paid social insurance premiums continuously for more than one year. The applicant is employed by the employer and engaged in professional and technical work in the profession listed in the certificate.

(4) The newly obtained certificate of the applicant should be a senior or deputy senior professional title certificate issued by Guangdong Province or a senior professional technical qualification certificate obtained through the national professional technical qualification examination (the senior certificate of professional technical qualification in computer technology and software must meet the academic qualifications and years of experience required for the corresponding professional title).

(5) Applicants should submit their applications within 1 year from the date of approval of their professional technical qualification certificates or the date of passing the professional title evaluation in Guangdong Province.

Article 48 The same applicant for this project may apply once in the order of deputy senior to senior level; those who first apply at the senior level and receive this funding are not allowed to apply again.

Section 2 Funding for the development of new occupational standards or the preparation of professional title evaluation standards,

Enterprise self-assessment funding

Article 49 If enterprises in the district take the lead in developing new occupational standards or compiling professional title evaluation standards, and are approved by the human resources and social security departments at or above the provincial level, they will be given a one-time subsidy of 200,000 yuan.

New occupations refer to emerging occupations released by the state to society and included in the national occupational classification code.

Article 50 When an enterprise applies for this funding, the new occupational standards or professional title evaluation standards developed by the company must be recognized and published by the human resources and social security departments at or above the provincial level.

Article 51 Enterprises in this district that, after filing with the human resources and social security department in accordance with the "Interim Regulations on the Administration of Professional Title Evaluation," establish a deputy senior professional title review committee and conduct independent reviews will be given a one-time subsidy of 150,000 yuan.

Enterprise self-evaluation refers to enterprises that meet the conditions for self-evaluation of professional titles in accordance with the Interim Regulations on the Administration of Professional Title Evaluation and the Regulations on the Administration and Service of Self-evaluation of Professional Titles in Guangdong Province (HRSS regulations in Guangdong 〔2020〕NO 33, valid until August 31, 2025). In accordance with the national and provincial professional title policies, enterprises apply for and are approved and registered by the human resources and social security department based on work needs to independently carry out the professional title evaluation of their own professional and technical personnel. In the event of provincial and municipal policy adjustments, the latest policy shall be implemented.

Article 52 To apply for the self-assessment funding for enterprises, the following conditions must be met at the same time:

( 1 ) In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Interim Regulations on the Management of Professional Title Evaluation," it shall be approved and filed by the human resources and social security department.

( 2 ) Establish an evaluation committee at deputy senior level or above.

( 3 ) Carry out an independent evaluation business and submit the results to the human resources and social security department at or above the district level.


Chapter 9 Subsidy for Skills Competition

Article 53  District-level skills competitions are held every year, and outstanding contestants are given first, second, and third-level subsidies of 5,000 yuan, 4,000 yuan, and 3,000 yuan. Talents who win national, provincial and municipal skills competition awards will be given subsidies of 50,000 yuan, 30,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan, respectively.

Those who obtain various levels in the same series of activities in the same year will be subsidized in accordance with the principle of non-duplication from the highest (highest what?).

Article 54 Applications for district-level skills competition subsidies should meet the following conditions:

(1) The units of the contestants of the Cantonese Chef and Cantonese Housekeeping competitions are enterprises or service organizations in this district, and the units of the contestants of other competitions are enterprises, scientific and technological innovation and service organizations in this district. Sole proprietorships without independent legal person status, whose business relationship is in this district, have a sound financial system, implement independent accounting, and comply with credit management regulations, are applicable to this project.

(2) Participants in the Cantonese Chef and Cantonese Housekeeping competitions must have worked in the district for more than 6 consecutive months, and participants in other competitions must have worked in the district for more than 1 consecutive year (applicants who work for the same group company and its subsidiaries in the district will be deemed to work in the same unit).

(3) Won the skills competition award sponsored by the district-level human resources and social security department.

(4) During the period from participating in the competition to the payment of subsidies, the social insurance relationship of the selected personnel should be continuously maintained with enterprises or institutions in the region.

Article 55 To apply for subsidies for skills competitions at or above the municipal level, you must meet the following conditions:

(1) Have worked continuously for more than one year in an enterprise or service institution in the district and the social insurance relationship is still in the district when applying for subsidies. Those engaged in labor dispatch work must be recommended by the local employer to obtain the award, and their social insurance premium payment unit must be an enterprise in the local area.

(2) Having won awards in skills competitions sponsored by human resources and social security departments at or above the municipal level and being awarded the titles of Guangzhou Technical Expert, Guangdong Technical Expert, National Technical Expert or China Skills Award.

Article 56 Subsidies must be requested within one year from the date of publication of the document granting the relevant title by the human resources and social security department.


Chapter 10 Support for the Introduction and Training of Skilled Talents

Section 1 Subsidy for Attracting High-skilled Talents

Article 57 For human resource service agencies, vocational skills training institutions, and vocational schools (including technical colleges) that introduce or transfer highly skilled talents to enterprises or institutions in the area, each successful introduction of a senior worker, technician, or senior technician, will be given 1,000 yuan, 1,500 yuan, 2,000 yuan of talent subsidies, and the same institution can receive a maximum subsidy of 100,000 yuan per year .

Article 58: Applicants for this project should meet the following conditions:

(1) The applicant units are human resources service agencies, vocational skills training institutions, and vocational schools in the district. Among them, the highly skilled talents sent by vocational colleges should be fresh graduates of the school (fresh graduates refer to those who graduated within 12 months of receiving the diploma).

(2) The highly skilled talents introduced or transferred by the applicant must obtain a national vocational qualification certificate for senior workers or above or a vocational skill level certificate issued by Guangdong Province.

(3) The highly skilled talents introduced or transferred by the applicant unit are the first to work in the district, have signed a labor contract of more than 1 year with an enterprise or institution in the district, and have paid social insurance premiums in the employer for more than 6 consecutive months.

(4) When applying for subsidies, the social insurance relationship of highly skilled talents shall continue to be maintained with enterprises or institutions in the district.

Article 59 This subsidy must be submitted within one year from the date when highly skilled talents sign a labor contract with enterprises or institutions in the district.

Section 2 Skills Talent Training Platform and Skill Master Studio Funding

Article 60: A one-time construction subsidy of 100,000 yuan will be provided to enterprises or institutions that have been recognized as skilled talent training platforms and skill master studios, and those that pass the annual assessment will be given an annual operating subsidy of 50,000 yuan.

Institutions funded by the government or investing in construction funds will not be subsidized.

Article 61 The construction funding and operating subsidies for skilled talent training platforms and skill master studios shall be determined through a comprehensive review method, and annual assessments shall be conducted.

Article 62 The identification of a skilled talent training platform should meet the following conditions:

(1) Enterprises or institutions that have training venues that meet construction and safety standards in this area.

(2) The area of the training venue is generally not less than 300 square meters, and the indoor training venue can accommodate no less than 50 trainees at a time. It has training facilities and equipment that match the advanced production technology level.

(3) It has strong professional advantages and training capabilities, has established a standardized training management system, and the training scale in the previous year must be no less than 500 people.

(4) Possess a strong teaching capacity. Each occupation (type of work) shall be equipped with no less than 2 instructors. The instructors shall have a professional qualification certificate of senior craftsman or above, a professional skill level certificate, or a professional technical qualification certificate or professional title certificate of intermediate level or above for the corresponding occupation (type of work).

(5) Having no record of illegal or irregular activities in vocational training, employment management, etc.

Article 63 The following conditions must be met at the same time to be recognized as a skill master studio:

(1) Enterprises within this area. This project is applicable to sole proprietorships with non-independent legal person status, whose operating relationships are in this area, and which have a sound financial system, implement independent accounting, and comply with credit management regulations.

(2) A skilled talent team of no less than 3 people. The leader should be a technician, senior technician or skilled talent with unique skills, have outstanding contributions, are recognized by the masses and can take the lead in production practices.

(3) Work sites, facilities, equipment, funds, etc., for technical research, technological innovation, technological exchanges, and skills teaching. A complete management system has been established to clarify the job responsibilities of skill masters.

(4) Has made outstanding contributions in technological innovation, technological research, transformation of scientific and technological achievements, or teaching skills and apprenticeships, etc., and has achieved significant economic and social benefits.

Article 64: An annual assessment system will be implemented for certified skilled talent training platforms and skilled master studios. Those who fail the assessment will not be given operational subsidies. If they fail the assessment for two consecutive years, the enterprise or institution's qualification of skilled talent training platform, skill master studio will be cancelled.

Article 65: If a skilled talent training platform or skills master studio fails to pass the assessment for two consecutive years after being recognized for the first time, the qualification of the enterprise or institution as a skilled talent training platform or skills master studio will be cancelled, and the one-time 100,000 yuan applied for construction will be refunded.

Section 3 Subsidy for Targeted Talent Training

Article 66 Encourage school-enterprise cooperation to cultivate talents, set up special funds, carry out strategic cooperation with well-known domestic universities, and cultivate talents for enterprises in the region. The district human resources and social security department has established an employment cooperation platform between government, schools and enterprises, and organized targeted training in conjunction with universities and enterprises. Colleges and universities must submit targeted training plans to the district human resources and social security department and establish a targeted training ledger. When the training plan changes, the training unit must report to the district human resources and social security department. Enterprises need to do a good job of developing, reserving and recruiting for jobs.

Article 67 Training Model

(1) Targeted training. Support colleges and universities to sign targeted training (school-enterprise cooperation) agreements with cooperative enterprises to jointly formulate teaching plans, curriculum and training standards. Students complete basic theoretical courses and professional theoretical courses in colleges and universities, and production practice and post practice in cooperative enterprises.

(2) Joint construction of bases. Support universities and cooperative enterprises to jointly build industry-education integration bases, and those who sign a tripartite framework agreement between government, schools and enterprises will be awarded the plaque of "Guangzhou Development District (Huangpu district) Targeted Training and Employment Base". Both schools and enterprises have established on-campus and off-campus practical training bases to simulate real working environments and form a dual promotion mechanism for education and industry.

(3) Exchanges and visits. Support universities and enterprises to organize various exchange activities such as "open days" , "training camps" , brand stories, dialogue forums, entrepreneurship salons, and practical guidance every year to broaden students' horizons and enhance mutual understanding.

(4) Special courses. Support colleges and universities to launch Guangzhou Development District (Huangpu district) characteristic courses based on the situation, development characteristics, industrial structure, well-known enterprises, employment policies, etc. of Guangzhou Development District to improve students' enthusiasm for employment and entrepreneurship in Guangzhou Development District.

(5) Project-driven. Encourage colleges and universities to carry out project cooperation with cooperative enterprises, strengthen multi-faceted cooperation in school-enterprise technology research and development innovation, achievement transfer and transformation, resource sharing, talent training and introduction, and jointly promote the high-quality and full employment of college graduates.

Article 68 The conditions, objects and standards for the use of funds are as follows:

Ⅰ.Subsidy for targeted training and operation of colleges and universities

1. Subsidy conditions: (1) Sign a tripartite framework agreement between government, school and enterprise. (2) Organize students and enterprises to carry out targeted training for current students within the specified time. (3) Organize more than 200 students to carry out “Famous Enterprise Tour” activities at more than 3 enterprises in Guangzhou Development District every year. (4) Conduct more than 2 school-level Guangzhou Development District employment and entrepreneurship policy presentations every year. (5) More than two school-level Guangzhou Development District special job fairs are held every year.

2. Subsidy objects: eligible colleges and universities.

3. Subsidy standards: Qualified colleges and universities will be given an annual operating subsidy of 30,000 yuan.

Ⅱ.Subsidies for targeted talent transfer in colleges and universities

1. Subsidy conditions: (1) Send more than 10 targeted trainees to find employment in cooperative enterprises every year. (2) Targeted trainees sign labor contracts of more than 2 years with cooperative enterprises.

2. Subsidy objects: eligible colleges and universities.

3. Subsidy standard: The maximum subsidy for colleges and universities that meet the subsidy conditions is 150,000 yuan per year. Among them, the subsidy for sending more than 10 targeted training students per year is 50,000 yuan; the subsidy for sending more than 20 targeted training students per year is 100,000 yuan; the subsidy for sending more than 30 targeted training students per year is 150,000 yuan.

(III) Employment subsidies for students trained by colleges and universities

1. Subsidy conditions: (1) Participate in the targeted training program for students on campus, and the first time you participate in the training should be more than 6 months before the date of your graduation certificate. (2) Sign a labor contract with the targeted training enterprise for more than 2 years. (3) Have stable employment in the targeted training enterprise for more than 1 year.

2. Subsidy objects: eligible targeted training students 

3. Subsidy standard: The maximum subsidy for targeted training students who meet the subsidy conditions is 30,000 yuan. A subsidy of 10,000 yuan for stable employment in a targeted training enterprise for one year; a further subsidy of 20,000 yuan will be provided after two years of stable employment.

Article 69 In principle, the number of new employees receiving subsidies shall not exceed 200 per year (adjusted according to the funding budget). The number of new employees receiving subsidies in the same enterprise shall not exceed 30 per year (if the number of employees eligible for subsidies in the same enterprise exceeds 30, the list of employees to be included in the subsidy shall be provided by the enterprise).

Article 70 The explanations of "enterprises", "colleges and universities" and " targeted training students " involved in this section are as follows:

Enterprises refer to industrial enterprises. Priority will be given to supporting enterprises in the eight pillar industries in the district, including new displays, integrated circuits, automobile manufacturing, new materials, green energy, biotechnology, high-end equipment, and beauty and health.

The colleges and universities are mainly domestic "Double First-Class Initiative" construction colleges and universities jointly announced by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, and the National Development and Reform Commission; colleges and universities that have national first-class undergraduate professional construction points and are in line with the industrial development needs of this region can be included in the scope.

Targeted training students refer to full-time students with a bachelor’s degree or above who are recommended by targeted training colleges and whose majors meet the needs of the district's industrial development. Students from impoverished families who meet the above conditions will be given priority in recommendation.

Section 4: Skill Ecological Chain Apprenticeship Training Subsidy

Article 71 Support enterprises to carry out apprenticeship training in the skill ecological chain to improve their skill levels. This project is applicable to the student apprenticeship and technical training apprenticeship training carried out by enterprises in the industry-education-evaluation skill ecological chain in our province for technical skill positions.

The training targets of the student apprenticeship system are the graduating students recruited by ecological enterprises from general colleges and universities, vocational colleges (including technical colleges), etc. The enterprise provides no less than 260 hours of training for the corresponding job positions for the student apprentices. After the training is completed and the assessment is passed, the enterprise will be given a subsidy of 5,000 yuan per person. The training targets of the technical training student apprenticeship system are young employees recruited by the enterprise within two years of joining the company. The technical training student apprenticeship system focuses on cultivating intermediate and senior skilled talents that meet the job requirements of the enterprise. The enterprise provides no less than 260 hours of training for the corresponding job positions for the technical training students. After the training is completed and the assessment is passed, the vocational skill level certificate is issued. According to the certificate level, the enterprise will be given a subsidy of 5,000-8,500 yuan per person. The subsidy funds for this project are given priority in the special account funds for the vocational skills improvement action and the central, provincial and municipal employment funds.

This project will be implemented in accordance with the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Apprenticeship Training in the Industry-Education-Evaluation Skill Ecological Chain (Guangdong Human Resources and Social Security Regulation [2023] No. 24, valid until December 31, 2025). If relevant policies are adjusted, the latest policies shall prevail.


Chapter 11 Funding for Human Resources Service Industrial Park

Article 72 The funding projects of the Human Resources Service Industrial Park include headhunting service awards, venue rental subsidies, exchange exhibition awards, operation subsidies, and operation performance subsidies.

This project is applicable to institutions entering the park and operation and management units.

Institutions entering the park refer to those who settle in the Guangzhou Human Resources Service Industrial Park (Guangzhou Development District Overseas High-Level Talent Service Park) in China and engage in human resources and human capital services, legal services, financial services, consulting services, intellectual property services and other talent-related services. China Guangzhou Human Resources Service Industrial Park (Guangzhou Development District Overseas High-Level Talent Service Park) is divided into a core park and an expansion park.

The operation and management units refer to the unit that signs a co-construction agreement with the district human resources and social security department for the core park of the human resources service industrial park.

Section 1 Headhunting Service Award

Article 73 Institutions in the park that recruit high-end or scarce talents for employers in the district will be awarded a headhunting service award of 50% of the headhunting fee after being approved, with a maximum of 300,000 yuan per item and a maximum annual award of 1 million yuan for the same institution.

Article 74 Applicants for this project must meet the following conditions:

(I) High-end talents should meet the standards of the latest "Guangzhou Overseas High-end Talent Catalogue", and scarce talents should meet the standards of the latest "Guangzhou Scarce Talent Demand Catalogue". The annual income (personal salary, wages, excluding labor remuneration) of high-end or scarce talents should be more than 800,000 yuan or be selected into district-level and above talent projects after recruitment.

(II) High-end or scarce talents should have signed a labor contract or employment agreement with the employer in this district for more than 3 years and have paid social insurance premiums in this district for 1 year. High-end or scarce talents who have renewed their labor contracts or employment agreements with their original employers, or who work for another employer in this district, are not eligible for this project. If the same talent is selected and hired multiple times during the validity period of the policy, the headhunting fee will be calculated only once.

Article 75 Those who have applied for the project service award or talent recommendation award in the Measures are no longer eligible for this project.

Section 2 Venue Rental Subsidy

Article 76 Institutions that meet the following conditions will be given a site rental subsidy of up to 1 million yuan per year. The site rental subsidy shall not exceed 50% of the actual rental expenditure of the institution in the current year, and the subsidy period for each institution shall not exceed 3 years.

(Ⅰ) For institutions in the core park whose annual operating income is more than 100 million yuan, a site subsidy of no more than 50 yuan per square meter per month will be granted; for institutions whose annual operating income is more than 30 million yuan but less than 100 million yuan, a site subsidy of no more than 40 yuan per square meter per month will be granted; for institutions whose annual operating income is less than 30 million yuan, a site subsidy of no more than 30 yuan per square meter per month will be granted.

(II) If the annual operating income of an institution entering the expansion park is more than 100 million yuan, a site subsidy of no more than 35 yuan per square meter per month will be given; if the annual operating income is more than 30 million yuan but less than 100 million yuan, a site subsidy of no more than 25 yuan per square meter per month will be given; if the annual operating income is less than 30 million yuan, a site subsidy of no more than 15 yuan per square meter per month will be given.

Article 77 The rental area of the park-entering institution should be no less than 100 square meters and the lease term should be no less than 3 years. The rental time and scope shall be based on the rental time on the rental contract filed with the local street (town, park) or the Guangzhou Housing Rental Information Service Platform. During the period when the park-entering institution enjoys the site rental subsidy, if the office space is sublet to others, or the purpose of the office space is changed without authorization, no subsidy will be provided.

The settled institution should submit an application for the venue rental subsidy for the first year between January 1 and May 31 of the following year. The application time for venue rental subsidy in the second and third years can be deduced by analogy.

Article 78 For units that settle in the core park before May 13, 2024, their "venue rental award" from January 2024 to May 13, 2024 shall be based on the "Notice on Issuance Measures for Further Supporting the Development of Human Resources Service Industrial Park in Huangpu, Guangzhou City, Guangzhou Development District, hereinafter referred to as the old policy. The applicant should submit their application before May 31, 2025. Any submitted after the deadline will be deemed to have automatically given up their application qualifications. The "venue rental subsidy" after May 14, 2024 will be implemented in accordance with these rules.

Section 3 Exchange Exhibition Award

Article 79 If the park-entering institutions hold exchange  exhibition activities in the district, they will be rewarded 30 percent of the actual total expenditure (after deducting financial subsidies and rewards from governments at all levels), with a maximum reward of 500,000 yuan per event.

Article 80  Applicants for this project must meet the following conditions:

(I) The venue must be in the district, and the applicant must be one of the organizers, co-organizers, or those undertaking the activity.

(II) High-level activities such as leading forums, brand promotions, industry exchanges, exhibitions, and so forth in the human resources service industry should be international, national or regional (involving multiple provinces) activities, with more than 50 companies and more than 100 people participating, and the expenditure (after deducting financial subsidies and rewards from governments at all levels) should be more than 500,000 yuan.

Article 81 Institutions entering in the park should apply for subsidies within 30 working days of the end of the event .

Section 4 Operation Subsidy

Article 82 An operating subsidy of up to 1.5 million yuan per year will be provided to the core operation and management units of the industrial park .

(1) In order to improve the operation and management level of national-level human resources service industrial parks, core park operation and management units that pass the annual assessment will be given a basic operation subsidy of 1 million yuan each year.

(2) If the total operating income of an institution in the park increases by more than 5 percent but less than 10 percent year-on-year in the current year, an additional operating subsidy of 200,000 yuan will be given to the core park operation and management units each year.

(3) If the total operating income of institutions entering the park in the current year increases by more than 10 percent and less than 15 percent year-on-year, an additional operating subsidy of 300,000 yuan will be given to the core park operation and management units every year.

(4) If the total operating income of institutions entering the park in the current year increases by more than 15 percent and less than 20 percent year-on-year, an additional operating subsidy of 400,000 yuan will be given to the core park operation and management units every year.

(5) If the total operating income of an institution entering the park increases by more than 20 percent year-on-year in the current year, an additional operating subsidy of 500,000 yuan will be given to the core park operation and management units every year.

(6) Operation subsidies are mainly used for the daily operation and management of the Human Resources Service Industrial Park.

Article 83 Before May 13, 2024, the old policy "Park Operation and Management Award" will be implemented. From May 14, 2024, the "Operation Subsidy" of these detailed rules will be implemented.

Section 5 Operation Performance Subsidy

Article 84 A one-time subsidy of up to 3 million yuan will be given to the core park operation and management unit based on the total operating performance of the institutions. If the annual operating income of the core park institutions reaches 35 billion yuan, 60 billion yuan, or 90 billion yuan for three consecutive years, the operation and management unit will be given a one-time subsidy of 800,000 yuan, 1.8 million yuan, or 3 million yuan, respectively.


Chapter 12 Talent Green Card Services

Article 85 All kinds of talents who start businesses or work in this district, as well as outstanding domestic and foreign talents who are not registered in Guangzhou and need to be introduced for the economic and social development of this district, may apply for the Guangzhou Talent Green Card in accordance with relevant regulations, enjoy being treated the same as a Guangzhou citizen, and be given priority in settling in accordance with the regulations.

(I) Application conditions: Meet the relevant provisions of the "Implementation Measures for the Talent Green Card System in Guangzhou" (Sui Government Regulation [2023] No. 10) and the "Implementation Rules for the Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu district of Guangzhou City to Implement the ‘Talent Green Card System Implementation Measures in Guangzhou’ " (Sui Pu Ren She Gui Zi [2023] No. 1). Applicants must be younger than the statutory retirement age and have a legal residence in this city. In the event of policy adjustments, the latest policy will be implemented.

(II) Service benefits: Cardholders can apply for foreign work permits, ordinary passports, and an Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macau. Cardholders who meet the requirements for household registration in Guangzhou can enjoy green channel services when applying for household registration. Migrant workers' children can attend schools in the district according to regulations. In addition, they can enjoy the qualifications for buying houses and cars in Guangzhou, participate in professional title evaluation, and social insurance. The accompanying spouse, underage children, and both parents of the cardholder can also apply for an affiliated card according to relevant regulations and be treated as a regular citizen.

Chapter 13 Supplementary Provisions

Article 86 These detailed rules do not apply to the staff of government agencies and institutions, unless otherwise provided.

Article 87 Units or individuals applying for projects under these rules shall submit materials according to the latest application guidelines or notices and announcements. The application time, process, and materials shall be subject to the application guidelines or notices and announcements. Any failure to apply within the time limit will be deemed to be automatically abandoned, unless otherwise provided in the rules. When units or individuals apply for various awards, funds, subsidies and other projects, they should operate or work normally in the area.

Article 88 For the same issue or project that complies with the provisions of these rules and regulations and also complies with other supporting policies of the district (including policy provisions of higher-level departments requiring the district to provide matching or funding) or key project support provisions, support shall be given on the principle of giving the highest support without duplication; if there are any special provisions, they shall prevail.

Units that have signed co-construction agreements or "one enterprise, one policy" or "one issue, one discussion" agreements with the Guangzhou Development Zone Management Committee and the Huangpu district People's Government of Guangzhou shall implement the agreements.

Article 89 If any of the following circumstances occur in any unit or individual applying for a project under these rules, the district human resources and social security department will stop issuing rewards or subsidies, notify relevant departments in the district, and cancel their eligibility to apply for talent policies in the district. If a crime is committed, criminal liability will be pursued. Relevant information will be included in the Guangzhou Public Credit Information Management System, and joint punishment for dishonesty will be implemented in accordance with the law:

(1) Providing false application materials.

(2) Violating professional ethics and academic misconduct causing adverse effects.

(3) Failure to comply with the regulations on the use of reward or funds, or failure to complete relevant commitments upon expiration of the contract (agreement).

(4) There are other violations of laws and regulations.

(5) There are other circumstances that require cancellation.

Article 90 Unless otherwise specified, "above", "not more than", "not less than", "within", "highest" and "after" in these detailed rules all include the original amount, and "below" does not include the original amount. The amount is in RMB.

Article 91 The proportions, limits and number of candidates for support and reward subsidies in these rules are all upper limits, and the specific policy support will be adjusted accordingly depending on the fiscal budget of the current year. The fiscal funds required for each project in these rules shall be included in the annual budget of the district human resources and social security department. The use and management of funds shall comply with relevant laws, regulations, rules and policies, strictly implement the fiscal funds management system, and accept supervision from the finance, audit and other departments of Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu district. It is strictly prohibited for all kinds of intermediary institutions or individuals to illegally withhold, misappropriate, swindle or falsely claim support funds. Support funds shall not be diverted for other purposes. Units or individuals that withhold, tie up, misappropriate or misapply support funds in violation of the provisions of these rules shall be held accountable in accordance with the law.

Article 92 The support funds that meet the support conditions of these rules shall be directly transferred to the account of the applicant unit or applicant. The tax-related expenses of the support shall be borne by the enterprise, institution or individual.

Article 93 These detailed rules shall be interpreted by the district human resources and social security department, shall be implemented from the date of issuance, and shall be valid until February 7, 2027. If the talents or units introduced between May 17, 2023 and April 18, 2024 meet the relevant reward conditions during the validity period of these rules, they may refer to these rules. If the validity period expires and the relevant funds should be paid but have not yet been paid, the execution shall continue until all is completed. If the implementation of the relevant talent policies in the region has been carried out before the issuance of these detailed rules but has not been completed, the original policies will still be implemented. If the state, province, or city promulgates relevant policies and regulations that provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.

The "Implementation Rules of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Huangpu district, Guangzhou City to Implement Several Measures (Trial) for Attracting Talents in the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City International Talent Free Port" (Sui Pu Human Resource Plan [2021] No. 4) are also abolished.

Issued by the Office of Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Huangpu district, Guangzhou in April 2024 

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