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Hiking and tea amidst scenic beauty in Huangpu

Updated : 2024-04-10

Huangpu district in Guangzhou has officially entered summer, presenting a fresh allure for hiking enthusiasts. Nestled within this urban landscape lies the Lingtou Black Tea Creative Park, boasting the city's highest-altitude tea garden sprawling across the village.

Embracing innovation, the park has harnessed technology to establish the brand of Huangpu lingtou black tea, drawing upon the expertise of esteemed academicians and experts. Visitors are greeted by a serene ambiance, enveloped in the aroma of tea and surrounded by verdant hills.


A primitive village lies ahead the park. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhpfb]

Around the park, diverse hiking trails beckon exploration, including the tranquil tea garden loop and the invigorating national mountaineering fitness trail. The two-kilometer tea garden loop, with its gently undulating pathways, offers an ideal setting for family outings, allowing guests to meander through lush tea plantations and immerse themselves in nature's beauty.

Thoughtfully designed for comfort and safety, the hiking trails feature white gravel pathways lined with repurposed railway sleepers, ensuring a pleasant journey amidst the breathtaking scenery.


The park stands in the tea garden. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhpfb]

This summer, Huangpu invites adventurers to experience the perfect blend of outdoor exploration and tea culture. Come and discover the allure of hiking amidst picturesque landscapes and the fragrance of local black Tea, creating unforgettable memories in the heart of Guangzhou.

Explore the heights, savor the flavors, and embrace the beauty of Huangpu this season.


A tea flower blooms in the garden. [Photo/WeChat account: gzhpfb]

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