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Huanjiang celebrates Fenlong Festival to showcase Maonan culture

Huanjiang celebrates Fenlong Festival to showcase Maonan culture


On June 21, the opening ceremony of the Fenlong Festival in Huanjiang Maonan autonomous county was held at the Maonan Ethnic Cultural Industry Park in Xianan town.

Modern Sanyuesan Festival: Reviving tradition, culture, tourism

Modern Sanyuesan Festival: Reviving tradition, culture, tourism


In contemporary times, some Sanyuesan singing festivals are regularly organized by local governments.

Hechi Bronze Drums: Most beautiful harmony at Guangxi Sanyuesan Festival

Hechi Bronze Drums: Most beautiful harmony at Guangxi Sanyuesan Festival


For millennia, the rhythmic beats of bronze drums have echoed through the traditions of the Zhuang, Yao, Miao, and other ethnic groups in Guangxi, giving birth to the distinctive bronze drum culture.

Frog god blessing event held in Tian'e

Frog god blessing event held in Tian'e


A frog god blessing event was held in Tian'e county on March 11, which attracted a large number of visitors to a pastoral complex.

Maguai Festival in Donglan draws global attention

Maguai Festival in Donglan draws global attention


On March 11, the Maguai Festival took place in Baying village, Baochou town, Donglan county. The event attracted over 60,000 visitors to experience the mysterious folk culture and participate in the festive celebration.

Luocheng exhibition welcomes Chinese New Year

Luocheng exhibition welcomes Chinese New Year


On Jan 24, Luocheng Mulam autonomous county, Hechi, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, held a cultural exhibition showcasing the Mulam ethnic group’s Yifan culture(a traditional festival of the Mulao ethnic group to pray to the gods for a good harvest and the well-being of the people)to welcome the upcoming Chinese New Year.

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