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Fengshan Sanmenhai Pastoral Complex
Updated: 2022-02-17

Sanmenhai Pastoral Complex in Hechi's Fengshan county is a project with vegetable and fruit planting and rural tourism as its leading industry, as well as camellia oil and silkworm as its auxiliary industries. The planned area of the project is 12,090 mu (806 hectares),  involving two administrative villages and 12 natural villages.

It consists of three areas. The Yunhai Agricultural Science Industry Demonstration Park covers an area of 746.03 mu. It has an agricultural planting area, an agricultural science popularization area, as well as a vegetable and fruit greenhouse planting base. The park aims to build an experiential agricultural tourism project and establish a professional production demonstration base.

The Longevity Cultural Experience Zone relies on Sanmenhai Scenic Area to improve the rural living environment, with the purpose of developing the local tourism and service industries, as well as propelling rural revitalization efforts. The project aims to showcase  Fengshan culture by making full use of longevity culture, red tourism resources, karst landforms, and the culture of local minority ethnic groups.


Fengshan Sanmenhai Scenic Area. [Photo/Hechi Daily]

The Geotourism Zone project is located at typical karst landform areas. Under the premise of protecting the geopark, the project aims to develop rural tourism, as well as promote the integrated development of the agriculture, culture, and tourism industries, aiming to lead the efficient and rapid development of the tourism industry in the county.

The planned investment of the project is about 27.57 million yuan ($4.35 million). To date, it has completed 22.85 million yuan in investment, accounting for 82.9 percent of the total. It has also completed construction on several projects, such as the Fengshan county tourist service center, as well as the rural revitalization and living environment renovation project.

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