Luocheng Mulam autonomous county in Hechi has spent 9 million yuan ($1.37 million) to build 37 cultural service centers in villages this year.

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Luocheng works towards full rural cultural service coverage
Updated: 2017-10-11

Luocheng Mulam autonomous county in Hechi has spent 9 million yuan ($1.37 million) to build 37 cultural service centers in villages this year, with an extra 10 million yuan going to the construction of cultural support facilities in 141 villages and communities countywide, Hechi Daily reports.

Upon completion, all the villages and communities will own a cultural center, a stage, a bulletin board and a cultural activity square, to enrich the cultural livelihoods of rural residents.

A culture building is constructed in Beiren village, Tianhe town, Luocheng Mulam autonomous county, Oct 8. [Photo by Wei Rudai/Hechi Daily]

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