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Xiamen Field International School

Updated: 2018-10-08

Xiamen Field International School (XFIS) is a high-end boarding high school located in the Xiang'an district of Xiamen. The school equips with the first-class facilities and enrolls Chinese students nationwide as well as a few foreign students living in China.

XFIS is founded under the coalition of Xiamen Nanyang University and Chapel Field Christian School. Accredited by the National Association of Private Schools and incorporated under the University of the State of New York, Chapel Field is widely recognized as a prestigious private school in America, providing all graduates with the opportunities to study in the TOP100 universities in America, over 40 percent of whom even have access to the world top-grade universities including Harvard, Yale, Cornell and Oxford.

XFIS offers the original teaching resources and education services of the Chapel Field Christian School, and students of the school can also have their school roll registered in America. With their high school diplomas accepted by all American universities, the students can apply universities freely as their American peers do.

Address: No 5068, Zhonghong avenue, Xiang'an district, Xiamen, Fujian province

Tel: +86-0592-7769101

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