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Snake Island Natural History Museum

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2017-01-04

Located in the scenic area in the west end of Youyi Road in Taiyang valley of Lushunkou, the museum occupies 4,000 sq m. It is a north-facing two-story building running from east to west. On the top of the main entrance is signage, “Snake Island Natural History Museum”, written by Qu Geping. The Snake Island Natural History Museum is divided into eight exhibition halls: 1. Introductory Hall: the theme is simulation of aerial views of the Island, which stands out in the blue sea. The lighting and sound effects make people feel that they are actually on it, experiencing the Laoshen Cave and ocean scenery. 2. Snake Island Hall: a panorama cabinet displays the complex natural landscape of Snake Island. Layers upon layers of rock fissures, dense reefs, flourishing bushes, and lots of birds all emanate the island’s vitality. 3. Snake Hall: it displays snakes from all around China and focuses on the vipers of Snake Island, introducing their origins and habits. More than 300 snake samples of high academic value are on display. 4. Applications of Snake Hall: focusing on the vipers of Snake Island, it introduces the medical and other applications of the island’s snakes. 5. Laotie Mountain Hall: the Laotie Mountain Bird Station panorama cabinet uses 3D spatial art to vividly display bird samples and beautiful scenery. 6. Bird Hall: many bird samples are on display. 7. Film Hall: this hall shows the film“Snake Island”. Many people know the amazing, bizarre, treacherous, and beautiful Snake Island and its snakes from the film. The less than twenty-minute film’s exploration of the island’s mysteries is highly enjoyable. 8. Snake Garden: visitors can personally observe the living habits of snakes in an artificial simulated environment in which objects are shrunk to one hundred thousandths of their real size.