Lhamo Tsering, a resident in Lhasa, Xizang autonomous region, said her neighbors like to use pressure cookers made in the region, as they make food preparation easier and safer.
Operating picnic camp sites has become one of the main income sources and a way of rural revitalization for villagers in Dagtse district of Lhasa, the Xizang autonomous region in recent years.
Southwest China's Xizang autonomous region on Saturday established a research institute for the study of the "Four Treatises of Tibetan Medicine" located at the University of Tibetan Medicine.
The ecosystems of Southwest China's Xizang autonomous region — home to the world's highest and largest plateau — have remained stable in the past two decades, according to a study by Chinese scientists.
As protection of the planet's flora, fauna and resources becomes increasingly important, China Daily is publishing a series of stories to illustrate the country's commitment to safeguarding the natural world.
The highland barley industry has thrived in the past years in Xizang, with extended process chains and a stronger capacity to improve the income of locals.