Zhang Jun meets with Peruvian counterpart

(english.court.gov.cn)      Updated : 2024-05-28

On May 27, President of the Supreme People's Court (SPC) of China Zhang Jun met in Beijing with a delegation headed by Javier Arévalo Vela, president of the Supreme Court of Peru.



Zhang Jun, president of the Supreme People's Court of China, meets with a delegation headed by Javier Arévalo Vela, president of the Supreme Court of Peru, in Beijing on May 27, 2024. [Photo/court.gov.cn]

Zhang welcomed the group on their visit. Noting that Peru was one of the first Latin-American countries to establish diplomatic relations with China, he said that the two countries are good friends with mutual trust and good partners for common development. The meeting between the presidents of the two countries in November last year has charted the course for advancing the China-Peru comprehensive strategic partnership, he said. China's SPC is willing to further strengthen judicial exchanges with its Peruvian counterpart to add to the good cooperation over the past years, and will continue to enrich the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership and elevate the bilateral relations to a higher level, he added.

Zhang briefly introduced Chinese courts' work with a focus on digital development, an area the Peruvian side was particularly interested in. According to him, the Chinese courts are committed to promoting the deep integration of information technology and court work to build the digital court, which is the key support and fundamental symbol of advancing the Chinese modernization of adjudication work, and will also strive to provide Chinese solutions and contribute Chinese wisdom to the progress of the world's rule of law civilization in the information age.

He also raised hopes of learning from each other, strengthening practical cooperation and jointly making new and greater contributions to the development of the judicial cause of the two countries and the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between them.

Arévalo said that he was deeply impressed with China's rapid development from this trip to the country. He raised the hope of learning from Chinese courts' advanced experience in digital development, and of continuing to deepen pragmatic cooperation in order to jointly enhance the judiciary capability and provide a sound judicial environment for the socioeconomic development of the two countries.

The Peruvian delegation also visited the China Court Museum to gain more insight on the digital development of Chinese courts.