Zhang Jun meets with judicial delegation from Jordan

     Updated : 2024-05-15

Zhang Jun, chief justice and president of the Supreme People's Court of China, meets with a delegation led by Mohammad Ghazo, chief of the Supreme Judicial Council of Jordan, and Jordanian Attorney General Youssef Dhiabat in Beijing, on May 14. [Photo/court.gov.cn]

On May 14, Zhang Jun, president of the Supreme People's Court (SPC) of China, met with a judicial delegation from Jordan led by Mohammad Ghazo, chief of the Supreme Judicial Council of Jordan, and Jordanian Attorney General Youssef Dhiabat.

Zhang welcomed the group on their visit to China, saying that bilateral relations have continued to develop since the establishment of diplomatic ties. Under the strategic guidance of the leaders of the two countries, bilateral exchanges in politics, economy and culture have deepened in recent years, the friendship between the two peoples has grown stronger, and exchanges and cooperation between their respective judicial organs has expanded, becoming deeper and more pragmatic, he said.  

Zhang gave a brief introduction to China's development of the rule of law and courts' work at the meeting. According to him, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2022 made specified arrangements for exercising law-based governance on all fronts and advancing the rule of law in China. Chinese courts will strive to serve Chinese modernization with modernized adjudication work, focusing on fairness and efficiency, in order to deliver justice and fairness to the people by properly handling each case, he said.

Chinese courts are ready to join hands with their Jordanian counterparts to implement the key consensus reached between the two heads of state and the outcomes of the first China-Arab States Summit, learn from each other, and promote pragmatic and in-depth judicial cooperation, in order to contribute to greater development of the China-Jordan strategic partnership and provide robust judicial services for the high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, he added.

Ghazo and Dhiabat thanked Zhang for the meeting and spoke highly of China's rule of law development and courts' work, especially of achievements in litigation-source governance and the online case archive program. They expressed the willingness to deepen their understanding of and friendship with Chinese courts by providing more mutual learning opportunities for judicial staff, in order to foster a sound judicial environment for the socioeconomic development of the two countries and the region, and better benefit the people of the two countries.