Updated : 2016-04-05




Judicial Interpretations

Supreme People’s Court Interpretation on Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in the Trial of Mediation and Arbitration Cases of Disputes over Rural Land Contracting Management (3)

Supreme People’s Court Decision on the Amendment of Provisions on Issues Concerning the Application of Company Law of the People’s Republic of China (5)

Judicial Document

Supreme People’s Court Publication of Typical Cases of Sexual Assault of Juveniles (14)

Appointment and Removal

Name List of SPC Judges Appointed and Removed by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (38)

Supreme People’s Court Announcement on Appointing Luo Yuan as Justice of the People’s Republic of China (39)

Supreme People’s Court Announcement on Appointing Hu Yunteng as Justice of the People’s Republic of China (39)

Supreme People’s Court Announcement on Appointing Liu Guixiang as Justice of the People’s Republic of China (39)

Selected Judgments

Case of Dispute over Financial Loan Contract: HSBC Shanghai Branch v.Grand View Hotel(Shenzhen)Co., Ltd.and Wanxuan Property Co., Ltd. (16)

Case of State Compensation Applied by Zhang Mu (34)

Model Cases

Case of Dispute over Confirming Ownership of Property Management Housing: Owners’Committee of Xuzhou Xiyuanyijun Garden(1st Phase)v.Xuzhou Zhongchuan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (40)

Case of Food Safety Administrative Punishment: Dongtai Branch of Yancheng Aokang Food Co., Ltd.v. Dongtai Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce Yancheng (45)