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  • Shanghai launches open patent licensing pilot work

    Shanghai launches open patent licensing pilot work

    June 20, 2022

    The Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration on June 14 issued the pilot work plan for open patent licensing in East China's Shanghai, which proposed to strive to achieve at least 100 open patent licenses in the city by the end of 2022.

  • Foreign patent agencies allowed to open offices in Shanghai

    Foreign patent agencies allowed to open offices in Shanghai

    June 6, 2022

    The China National Intellectual Property Administration recently agreed to carry out a pilot project, allowing foreign patent agencies to establish resident representative offices in the Pudong New Area and in Caohejing Hi-Tech Park, located in Shanghai in East China.

  • Patents pending

    Patents pending

    May 27, 2022

    China's accession to the Hague Agreement for the International Registration of Industrial Designs and the Marrakesh Treaty officially came into force on May 5, fully demonstrating the country's proactive stance in participating in the development of the global intellectual property system.

  • Shanghai businesses grasp Hague System opportunities

    Shanghai businesses grasp Hague System opportunities

    May 9, 2022

    The Hague System for the International Registration for Industrial Designs took effect in China on May 5 and East China's Shanghai city has apparently been quick off the mark to take advantage of the new arrangements.

  • Shanghai releases IP protection benchmark cases

    Shanghai releases IP protection benchmark cases

    April 27, 2022

    Shanghai city in East China recently released its list of the top 10 benchmark cases in intellectual property, or IP protection in 2021, following recommendations from local government departments and expert reviews.

  • Open day highlights protection of IPR

    Open day highlights protection of IPR

    April 27, 2022

    China is encouraging more people to participate in the undertakings of intellectual property and strengthen IPR protection to create a vibrant environment for innovation.

  • Shanghai holds main activity for IP publicity week

    Shanghai holds main activity for IP publicity week

    April 26, 2022

    The Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration – based in Shanghai city in East China – on April 25 conducted an online meeting, to mark the 22nd World Intellectual Property Day which was observed the following day.

  • Shanghai well on its way to becoming intl IP hub

    Shanghai well on its way to becoming intl IP hub

    April 22, 2022

    East China's Shanghai saw major development in its intellectual property sector last year and in the current year is continuing to make progress in IP – marking a great start for the city in the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25).

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