Happy Valley to offer discounts for "Double 11" shopping spree

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: November 4, 2015

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of OCT Enterprise Co, the developer of Shanghai Happy Valley and the annual "Double 11" shopping spree, Happy Valley park will offer discounts for visitors from Nov 9 to 11.

Visitors will be able to buy full-price tickets for a discounted price of 111.1 yuan ($17.53) via the official website and Shanghai Happy Valley's WeChat account, 118.9 yuan cheaper than the regular price. Ticket purchasers through the OCT shop on Tmall on Nov 11 will enjoy the same discount. Sales are limited to three tickets per ID account, and are valid from Nov 12 to 30.

Visitors can buy full-price tickets for a discounted price of 111.1 yuan ($17.53). [Photo/sheshantravel]

Happy Valley will also offer discounts to adult couples for evening tickets on Nov 10 and 11, at 100 yuan.

In addition, Happy Valley has extended Halloween-themed activities to Nov 15. Tourists can visit ghost studios or haunted houses to experience scary thrills.

Children with their parents take part in Halloween-themed activities. [Photo/sheshantravel]