Immigration control in France and Germany

LMS| Updated: December 22, 2014

Immigration control in France:

Daily necessity with validity of one year can be exempt from duty. Goods that can be carried include 200 cigarettes, 5000 ml wine, 2 regular cameras, 10 roll films, one video camera, 10 video tapes, one electric-gramophone/recorder/radio/typewriter/calculator, and one telescope.

Goods that cannot be carried include illicit drugs, pirated books, and photos in the books banned by the French Government.

Immigration control in Germany:

Goods that cannot be carried include anesthetic, drugs, weapons, pirated books and software.

Duty-free goods can be sold as souvenirs and gifts that are authentic of Germany, 50 grams of perfume, or 250 ml toilet water.

Personnel above 17 years of age can carry 200 cigarettes, 100 cigarillos, 50 cigars, or 250 grams of tobacco through immigration.

Personnel above 17 years of age can carry 1000 ml wine with less than 22% of alcohol, 2000 ml aperitif , 2000 ml similar alcoholic beverages with less than 22% of alcohol, or 2000 ml liqueur wines.

Personnel above 15 years of age can carry 200 grams of coffee, or 100 grams of tea, plus two regular cameras, one video cameras, 15 photographic prints, and one CD player.

Books except for banned ones can be carried through immigration.

Foreign currencies and gold can be carried without control.