Immigration control in oeverseas countries 

LMS| Updated: December 19, 2014

Immigration control in the United States

Goods that cannot be carried into the United States are as listed below:

1. fresh and/or canned meat

2. plant seeds, vegetables, fruits and soil

3. insect and worms harmful to plants

4. Smoked fish and fish roe

5. Wild animal and specimen

6. Drugs and dangerous remedies

7. Pirated books, recordings and videos

8. Lottery tickets

9. Ammunitions


Immigration control in Canada

1. Plants such as pine tree, spruce, Douglas fir, and larch that are not from the United States cannot be carried into Canada.

2. Fruits that are not from the United States cannot be carried, such as apple, apricot, strawberry, blueberry, European cranberry, blackcurrant, and red currant. Grape can be carried.

3. Vegetable Plants that are not from the United States cannot be carried, such as tomato, hot pepper, and eggplant.

4. Puffer fish and mitten crab cannot be carried. Animal fat made from the United States can be carried.


Immigration control in United Kingdom

1. Goods that cannot be carried include drugs (heroin, morphine, cocaine, and marihuana), weapons, obscene articles, and others (plant, meat, and meat product) harmful to environment and human health. Everyone can carry one kilogram of cooked meat product, which must be sealed in cans.

2. Duty-free goods that can be carried: 3. Tobacco: 200 cigarettes, or 100 cigarillos, or 50 cigars, or 250 grams of pipe tobacco.

Alcoholic beverage: 2 kilograms of non-sparkling table wine, plus one kilogram of liquor with more than 22percent of alcohol. Or two kilograms of sparkling table wine with less than 22 percent of alcohol.

Perfume: 60 ml.

Toilet water: 250 ml.

Others: Goods with worth of 145 pounds are purchased outside the European Union.

Personnel under the age of 17 are prohibited from bringing tobacco and alcohol products through immigration.