Sheshan holds hill climb activity

LMS| Updated: December 12, 2014

Sheshan, in the city of Shanghai's Songjiang district, will open an online registration system, at 10 am, on Dec 16, for its 9th New Year's Day hill climb activity, with room for as many as 5,000 participants.

Sheshan held the first of these activities, in 2007, and it has become a major Shanghai outdoor activity to feature local characteristics and sports tourism.

Sheshan, in the city of Shanghai's Songjiang district, will open an online registration system, at 10 am, on Dec 16, for its 9th New Year's Day hill climb activity.[Photo/]

People participate in the activity for best wishes for their family.[Photo/]


1. Select the amount of exercise according to your health and body condition.

2. Wear appropriate clothing, for your safety when climbing.

3. Do not smoke when ascending.

4. Do not damage to public facilities.

5. Pay attention to your kids and elderly family members.

6. Carry a walking stick when climbing.

7. There is medical care available if needed.