

Study tour business springs up in Pingyao

Updated:2023-08-07 14:30

Pingyao county has been building a high-standard center for study trips and diverse study programs and enhancing the educational function of cultural tourism resources based on local cultural venues and intangible cultural heritage sites for years.

Pingyao conducts digital protection of Shuanglin Temple

Updated:2023-08-01 10:52

Pingyao county has strengthened its management and inspection efforts to protect Shuanglin Temple, a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site.

Pingyao museum to boost smart tourism

Updated:2023-07-27 16:35

Pingyao Science and Technology Art Museum in Pingyao county was included in the list of 24 national pilot entities for cultivating smart tourism and immersive experience spaces, announced by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on July 26.

Conference on culture of Chinese finance held in Pingyao

Updated:2023-07-26 18:09

A national conference celebrating the 200th anniversary of the Rishengchang Exchange Shop with discussions pinned on its financial history and culture was held in Pingyao county on July 23.

Rural Pingyao thrives with tourism

Updated:2023-07-20 11:08

The 8th summer rural cultural festival of Hengpo village in Pingyao county, North China's Shanxi province, opened on July 13.

Pingyao adds temporary tourist trains to Mount Wutai

Updated:2023-07-18 10:20

Pingyao county in North China's Shanxi province recently launched temporary summer tourist trains running directly to Mount Wutai to meet increasing seasonal travel demand.

Pingyao immersive theatrical play gains national recognition

Updated:2023-07-12 09:58

Another Glance at Pingyao, an immersive indoor theatrical play in Pingyao county, was recently selected as one of the 20 exemplary cases of immersive cultural and tourism innovation by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Painting exhibition shines light on rural Pingyao

Updated:2023-07-05 17:49

A solo exhibition of paintings of Wu Jiyi opened to the public in the ancient city of Pingyao in North China's Shanxi province on July 4.

E-commerce training supports rural vitalization in Pingyao

Updated:2023-07-04 10:01

Xiangyuan township in Pingyao county recently hosted the first phase of a special training program on e-commerce livestreaming.

Heritage campaign to develop province's tourism potential

Updated:2023-06-30 10:24

Shanxi province recently launched a campaign among the media to promote the local cultural attractions in a bid to develop tourism and enhance people's spiritual well-being.

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