Global youth embrace Shandong's past, present in Zibo, Qingdao

(| Updated : 2024-07-25

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Nearly 200 international young people from the 2024 Global Youth Conference and China-US Youth Camp visited Zibo and Qingdao from July 17 to 21. This cross-cultural exchange provided a platform for young people to explore Chinese history, culture, technology, and modernity.


As they stroll through the historic streets of Zhoucun Ancient Town, the youth are captivated by its unique charm. Their visit to the Zibo Football Museum offers a fascinating glimpse into the city's rich history and culture. [Photo/Haibao News]

In Zibo, they visited the China Ceramics and Glass Museum, the Chinese Textbook Museum, and Zhoucun Ancient Town. They also explored the Zibo Football Museum and Qi Culture Museum, deepening their understanding of China's rich history and cultural heritage. A highlight of their visit was a traditional Zibo barbecue feast, where they experienced local cuisine and traditional performances.


With the sun setting, the youth sit around grills, savoring sizzling skewers and chatting happily. [Photo/Haibao News]

In Qingdao, the delegation toured Qingdao Port, witnessed the city's rapid development, and enjoyed the 34th Qingdao International Beer Festival. They also visited the Shandong Academy of Art and Design, where they experienced Chinese intangible cultural heritage.

On the same day, the group visited Laoshan Academy in Qingdao, where they indulged in a vegetarian feast, immersed themselves in Chinese classical culture, and engaged in the traditional craft of making fragrant sachets.

The exchange program offered young people from around the world a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in Chinese culture and experience the country's rapid development. Through cultural exchanges and interactions, the participants fostered friendships and deepened their understanding of China.


International youth from the 2024 Global Youth Conference and China-US Youth Camp pose for a photo. [Photo/Haibao News]