China tightens rule of law grip by scrutinizing documents, responding to public Updated: 2023-12-27

China has significantly intensified its oversight of regulations and legal interpretations this year, ensuring alignment with the Constitution and responding to public concerns about improper legal provisions.

A report presented to the Standing Committee of National People's Congress, the top legislature, on Tuesday outlined the ramped-up efforts. Since the beginning of 2023, the General Office of the NPC Standing Committee has received and reviewed 1,319 normative documents, including 24 administrative regulations and 10 judicial interpretations, from various government departments.

"There's been an overall fulfillment of the recording obligation and acceptance of our supervision," stated Shen Chunyao, head of the NPC Standing Committee's Legislative Affairs Commission, addressing lawmakers.

Furthermore, public participation reached new heights, with 2,827 suggestions requesting reviews of potentially problematic documents received from residents and organizations.

The commission meticulously reviewed all registered documents and public suggestions, Shen said. Those identified as problematic, particularly those conflicting with the Constitution, were addressed through urging timely corrections, abolitions, or replacements with new provisions.

One such instance involved restrictions on the education, employment, and social insurance access for family members of convicted criminals. These restrictions, flagged by residents as collective punishments, were deemed unconstitutional and inconsistent with relevant laws.

"Following our review, we urged the relevant departments to abolish these notices and conduct nationwide self-inspections to ensure rule of law compliance in their operations," Shen explained.

Environment and livelihood sectors have also seen heightened scrutiny under the stricter document review process, aiming to combat pollution and safeguard public rights.

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