Senior Chinese legislator attends ninth Nishan Forum on World Civilization

Updated: 2023-10-11

The ninth Nishan Forum on World Civilizations kicked off on Sept 27 in Nishan, Qufu, the birthplace of the ancient philosopher Confucius, in East China’s Shandong province. Shohrat Zakir, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, delivered a speech at the forum and declared the event open.

Shohrat Zakir said that China-proposed Global Civilization Initiative is an important guide for the development of human civilizations, injecting strong impetus into the modernization of human society.

The world is facing unprecedented changes unseen in a century, he said, noting that equal exchanges and mutual learning among various civilizations will provide strong spiritual guidance for addressing the challenges of the times and achieving common development for humanity. We should respect the diversity of human civilizations, actively safeguard its progressiveness, effectively promote its inclusiveness, vigorously uphold the common values of all humanity, push forward the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, and strive to build a better world, he said.

A total of 330 foreign guests, including foreign dignitaries, representatives of international organizations, diplomatic envoys in China, experts and scholars attended the event.

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