Senior legislator inspects overseas Chinese affairs work in Beijing

Updated: 2023-07-26

A team led by He Wei, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), conducted a survey on the work related to overseas Chinese affairs in the new era in Beijing, from July 18 to 19.

At a symposium during the survey, He told representatives of returned overseas Chinese deputies from the Beijing Municipal People's Congress, grassroots overseas Chinese affairs workers, and representatives of overseas Chinese-funded enterprises that Beijing has accumulated rich experience in improving the legal construction of overseas Chinese affairs, safeguarding the rights and interests of overseas Chinese, and leveraging the advantages of overseas Chinese resources. He stressed the importance to understand the significance and role of overseas Chinese in realizing the Chinese dream, and promote the high-quality development of overseas Chinese affairs in the new era.

He called for further exploration of overseas Chinese resources and advancing the legal construction of overseas Chinese affairs work to help boost development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. He added that overseas Chinese, returned overseas Chinese and their families should be guided to be active participants, important promoters and strong supporters of the Chinese path to modernization.

Officials with the NPC Beijing Municipal Committe said that Beijing will continue to strengthen the legislation and supervision of overseas Chinese affairs work, to help advance the capital city's development as the national centers for political affairs, cultural affairs, international exchanges and technological innovation.

During their stay in Beijing, the NPC inspection team visited overseas Chinese enterprises and communities, trade companies as well as the HICOOL Industrial Park, and a brain science research center, to learn about the progress Beijing has made in introducing overseas Chinese investments, professional talents and the current grassroots work on overseas Chinese affairs.

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