NPC special committee advises legislation on plant protection

Updated: 2023-02-20

Plant quarantine has been recognized as one of the three major global quarantine systems. It is closely related to national biosecurity, food security, ecological security, agricultural supplies and the quality of agricultural produce.

According to the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), major outbreaks of plant diseases and pests have posed severe challenges to China's crop production and agricultural supplies. The country has lagged far behind in its legislation on plant protection, the committee said, adding that existing legal provisions have shown inadequate coordination and guarantee measures in their implementation.

In recent years, China has accumulated rich experiences and practice in the enforcement of such laws and rules as the agricultural law, the forestry law, regulations on the prevention and control of crop pests, and regulations on plant quarantine. Therefore, the NPC’s Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee has proposed to add legislation on plant protection to the NPC Standing Committee's legislative plans.

During the fifth session of the 13th NPC in 2022, a motion called for legislation on plant protection was submitted, noting that the proposed law should specify the responsibilities and duties of government departments and increase staffing to enhance plant protection. It should also include related provisions to set up monitoring and warning systems for major diseases and pests, further improve epidemic prevention and control and quarantine systems targeting imported plants, and clearly define the responsibilities of producers and operators.

In their response to the motion, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and National Forestry and Grassland Administration said that enacting a comprehensive plant protection law that integrates provisions of plant quarantine, protection of wild plants and prevention and control of imported plants would promote institutional building in relevant fields.

The Ministry of Justice said that full support will be provided to legislative work based on necessary deliberations and specific advice.

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