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  • China establishes national standardized pain treatment center


    China on Friday unveiled a national standardized pain treatment center in its capital city of Beijing, aiming to expand the accessibility of quality medical resources for pain treatment at the grassroots level.

  • Lawmakers propose changes to infectious disease control law


    Chinese lawmakers are mulling over a draft revision for the infectious disease prevention and control law that would improve the country's epidemic surveillance, early warning and reporting system, including forbidding interventions in and providing incentives for early reporting.

  • China issues guideline to facilitate childcare services


    Medical and healthcare institutions are encouraged to take part in the development of childcare services, according to a recent guideline.

  • China nurses medical field in 41 countries


    China has helped train nearly 100,000 medical professionals in developing countries and established paired cooperation with 46 hospitals in 41 countries in the past decade along side the development of the Belt and Road Initiative, the National Health Commission said on Tuesday.

  • NMPA holds training on internal review of vaccine regulatory quality management system


    The National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) held a training on the internal review of vaccine regulatory quality management system in Beijing from Sept 18 to 19 to cultivate more internal review professionals.

  • Monkeypox classified as Class B infectious disease


    China has decided to manage monkeypox as a Class B infectious disease starting from Wednesday as the country reported about 500 cases last month, including its first infections detected in women, according to health authorities.

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