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Xu Jinghe meets with Vice Minister Curative Care of Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport

Updated: 2024-07-04

Xu Jinghe, Deputy Commissioner of China's National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), met with the Dutch delegation in Beijing on June 24.

The delegation was led by Barbara Goezinne, Vice Minister Curative Care of the Netherlands' Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.

President Xi Jinping noted during a meeting with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte in Beijing in March this year that China is willing to maintain exchanges at all levels with Netherlands, to uphold communication and dialogue, to adhere to mutual benefit and win-win results, and to push forward the open and pragmatic partnership for comprehensive cooperation between the two countries, Xu said.

He briefed the Dutch delegation on China's progress in the construction of regulatory system for drugs and medical devices and the development of related laws and regulations. He also highlighted China’s efforts in deepening the reform of the drug and medical device review and approval system, strengthening quality regulation throughout the whole life cycle, and constantly promoting regulation that is scientific, law-based, up to international standards and modernized.

Goezinne said the two countries face common challenges in the regulation of drugs and medical devices, noting that the Netherlands is willing to enhance communication with China at all levels to jointly improve the quality of drugs and medical devices.

The two sides agreed to further deepen regulatory exchanges and collaboration to better serve public health.

Related NMPA officials participated in the meeting.