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Xu Jinghe meets with Acting Director of Indonesia’s BPOM

Updated: 2024-07-04

On June 27, Xu Jinghe, Deputy Commissioner of China's National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), met with a delegation led by Rizka Andalucia, Acting Director of Indonesia's food and drug authority BPOM, also the Director-general of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices of the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

The two sides had in-depth exchanges on the law-based regulation of drugs and medical devices, quality management throughout whole-life cycle of products, building of regulatory systems and capacity, promotion of global regulatory convergence, harmonization and reliance, and participation in the implementation of the development strategy of the Global Harmonization Working Party (GHWP).

Xu introduced China's sustainable efforts in deepening the reform of the review and approval system for drug and medical device, and the advancement of scientific research and application of drug regulation.

Rizka Andalucia presented the transformation of Indonesia's healthcare system and efforts to promote the development of the pharmaceutical and medical device industry.

The two sides reached consensus to further deepen the exchanges and cooperation in drug regulation under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state in a bid to better benefit the health of the people of both countries.

Officials of related NMPA departments and affiliated institutions were also present at the meeting.