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Deals for 20 new digital culture projects in Chongchuan signed

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: February 23, 2023 L M S

The deals for 20 new projects in the digital culture industry in Chongchuan district, Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province, were signed during the 2023 Nantong Digital Culture Industry Promotion Conference in Shanghai on Feb 14.

The securing of these deals is among the many measures that Chongchuan has taken to promote its digital culture industry.

Last year, the district added 39 new enterprises above the designated size in the digital culture industry, a record high in Chongchuan's history. Nine of these projects were labeled as municipal key projects.

The district has also set up an industrial park for digital culture, the first of its kind in Nantong.

In addition, Chongchuan has been focusing on boosting the development of live streaming e-commerce, animation games, e-sports, digital equipment, and digital films. Local authorities are also planning to build a digital culture industrial cluster.

Authorities had earlier this year also teamed up with the digital culture industrial park to launch policies aimed at creating a better business environment for the industry.

One of these policies will see original animated films that achieve national or provincial recognition awarded with 200,000 yuan ($28,991) and 100,000 yuan respectively.

Besides supportive policies, the district has also established a service platform that provides enterprises with detailed information regarding the rental of office space.

Among the enterprises that have benefited from the supportive measures is Jiangsu Ji Fu Information Technology Co Ltd, which specializes in live streaming e-commerce.

Since setting up operations in Chongchuan in 2014, the company has made remarkable progress, with its revenue in 2022 rising to 350 million yuan.

Fan Cungen, the general manager of the company, said that the support from authorities has given the company confidence to expand its business.


The 2023 Nantong Digital and Culture Industry Promotion Conference is held in Shanghai municipality. [Photo/Nantong Daily]

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