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Gangzha district deepens cooperation with Tsinghua University

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2018-08-02


Representatives of the people’s government of Gangzha district, Nantong, and the School of Social Sciences of Tsinghua University sign a strategic cooperation memorandum at Tsinghua University on July 5, 2018. [Photo/ntgz.gov.cn]

A signing ceremony for strategic cooperation between the people’s government of Gangzha district, Nantong, and the School of Social Sciences of Tsinghua University to deepen enterprise-university-research cooperation took place at the university on July 5.

According to the agreement, the Gangzha district and the school will strengthen cooperation in strategy consultation, intelligence service, enterprise-university-research work and talents introduction and cultivation. In addition to this, by focusing on two major topics, namely deepening high-quality development and deeply integrating Shanghai’s river-crossing development, they will make concerted efforts to guide the formulation of goals, paths and measures and promote cooperation between enterprises, universities and researchers.

At the ceremony, Cao Jinhai, chief executive of Gangzha distict, introduced the economic and social development conditions and comparative advantages of Nantong and Gangzha district. He said that both parties have a good foundation for collaboration. On the one hand, Gangzha district has selected officials to study and receive training at Tsinghua University, which has achieved good results by expanding their horizons and improving their abilities. On the other hand, three enterprises invested by Tsinghua University with 3.5 billion yuan ($523.17 million), namely Suzhou Aokeke Automotive Electronics Co Ltd, Invispower and Cameraking Technology Co Ltd, have settled down in Gangzha district, drawing a group of industry chain enterprises to invest in Gangzha district and contribute to the development of regional industries.

The cooperation is expected to combine the talent resources and scientific and technological achievements of Tsinghua University with Gangzha district’s location, industry, policies and other advantages. Both parties will take part in a decision-making consultation service, advancing the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and reinforcing talents training to accelerate the district’s development. Gangzha district will create favorable conditions and provide new space and good service to constantly invigorate school-enterprise cooperation.


Guo Yong, the deputy Party secretary of Tsinghua University, Peng Kaiping, the dean of the School of Social Sciences of Tsinghua University, Cao Jinhai, chief executive of Gangzha distict, Zhang Honghui, the vice chief executive of Gangzha district and other representatives of the two parties attend the signing ceremony. [Photo/ntgz.gov.cn]