
German delegation seeks further cooperation with Taicang | Updated: April 28, 2024

A delegation from the Federal Association of Emigrant Advice and Foreign Trade Promotion in Germany visited the Taicang High-Tech Zone on April 25 for exchange and exploration.

The delegation, led by association chairman Daniel ten Brinke, included representatives from the association and nearly 20 German business delegates.

During the event, Mao Yaping, a standing committee member of the CPC Taicang municipal committee, introduced the city's environment, locational advantages, industrial clusters, and cooperation with Germany in Taicang, as well as the Taicang High-Tech Zone.

She highlighted Taicang's reputation as a hub for German enterprises, with over 500 German companies operating there. The Taicang High-Tech Zone, as a key area for Sino-German cooperation in the city, continues to optimize its business environment to better serve German companies in a market-oriented, rule-of-law, and internationalized manner.

She also pointed out the rich German-style living environment and healthy natural environment in the Taicang High-Tech Zone, making it a second home for many German people.

Brinke said the visit to the Taicang High-Tech Zone left a deep impression on him, noting the industrial support, investment environment, and infrastructure construction. He pledged to encourage suitable enterprises to come to China, particularly to Taicang, to explore new development opportunities.


A group photo of representatives from the German delegation and Taicang local government. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_5d51cb296177]