
Taicang art troupe charms audiences in Italy | Updated: August 11, 2017

A performance by a troupe from Taicang, East China's Jiangsu province has wowed audiences at the Macerata Opera Festival in Central Italy on Aug 3.

The event, held at the ancient outdoor theater in Macerata capital of Macerata province, is one of the most famous opera festivals in Italy, held annually from July to August, and attracts many opera lovers around the world.

A promotion video of Taicang showcasing the city's potential and charm was unveiled at the event. The audience was then treated to traditional Chinese performances such as martial arts, and Jiangnan Sizhu, a traditional stringed instrument from the south of the Yangtze River, where Taicang is located.

The Mayor of Macerata, Romano Carancini signed a letter of intent on establishing sister cities with Taicang in January 2016 during a visit to the city. Since then, both cities have held a series of cooperation and exchange activities in business and trade, culture and education.

Wei Guoling, vice-mayor of Taicang, and Romano Carancini, mayor of Macerata (left first) deliver speeches at the gala night on Aug 3. [Photo/WeChat account: taicangdaily]

Chinese orchestra plays Jiangnan Sizhu, a traditional stringed and woodwind instrument in the south of the Yangtze River in China during the performance. [Photo/WeChat account: taicangdaily]