
Micro film starts shooting, sequel of a 1957 movie | Updated: May 6, 2016

A launching ceremony for the micro film 66 Years of Waiting took place in Taicang a few days ago.

The film was shot in several locations across the city, Qujing village, the cemetery of revolutionary martyrs in Shaxi town and the health center in Guizhuang town, said producer Yan Hai.

A Qujing village native, Yan is familiar with the idyllic views of Taicang, making it an obvious choice for the location of the film.

The micro film is meant to be a sequel of the 1957 movie The Story of Liubao Village, which depicts a love story between a village girl and a soldier of the People's Liberation Army that leaves much to the imagination.

Tao Yuling played the character of the village girl in the 1957 movie and also played the same character in her old age in the sequel. Two students from the Shanghai Film Art Academy will play the village girl and soldier when they are young.

The crew plans to bring a finished movie to the first Asian New Media Film Festival that is to be staged in Busan, Republic of Korea, in July.

By Liu Sitong and edited by Jacob Hooson