Alshaa customs in Alshaa League, North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region, recently issued its first "Alshaa Cashmere" certificate of origin.
Nine projects involving investment of 30.6 billion yuan ($4.19 billion) were signed on Oct 20 by Alshaa League in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region.
In the first half of the year, the Alshaa League – located in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region – reported a significant surge in imports and exports.
The Alshaa bureau of commerce signed contracts with the India Business Association on June 8 worth a whopping $3 million.
Alshaa League – located in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region – signed up 32 new energy projects on Feb 4, with a total investment of 168.82 billion yuan ($24.92 billion).
On June 13, a matchmaking meeting among government, financial institutions and enterprises was held in Alshaa League.