Aobao cultural festival kicks off in Alshaa League

Updated: 2024-07-12


The fun kicks off at the aobao festival in Alshaa League. [Photo/WeChat account of Wenlyu Alshaa]

An aobao cultural festival opened with gusto on July 8 in Alshaa League, North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region.

The festival celebrates the rich heritage of Mongolian grassland culture, featuring the ancient aobao blessing ceremony, a significant intangible cultural heritage event.

The aobao festival is a deeply rooted tradition of worship among Mongolians. Aobaos – are usually piles of stones, but occasionally tree branches – with a Buddha statue or metal weapon buried inside, typically located on hills, mountains or riverbanks.

Dressed in traditional attire, believers and visitors bring offerings of dairy products, liquor, tea, prayer flags and Hada scarves to the sacred aobao before sunrise.

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Aobaos are typically located on hills. [Photo/WeChat account of Wenlyu Alshaa]

Participants then circle the aobao clockwise three times – offering their Hada scarves, dairy products and liquor – praying for good weather, health, prosperity and peace for their homeland.