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Alshaa League issues 133 certificates of origin in Jan-Feb

Updated: 2023-04-06

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Staff members from the Alshaa customs office inspect goods. [Photo/Alshaa Daily]

During the first two months of 2023, the customs office in Alshaa League in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region issued 133 export certificates of origin, with a visa amount of $25.63 million, according to local media reports.

Certificates of origin are the basis for importing countries to implement preferential trade measures – as well as to mete out non-preferential trade policies such as anti-dumping and countervailing measures, safeguards measures, country-specific quantitative restrictions and tariff quotas.

During the period, the value of imports and exports of the league was 1.43 billion yuan ($208 million), a year-on-year increase of 784.9 percent. Of that, exports were worth 420 million yuan, up 153.3 percent.

Some 299 batches of export hazardous chemicals were inspected and supervised in the two months, with a market value of $26.6 million.

As China signs and implements free trade agreements with more and more countries and regions, the certificate of origin has become an increasingly important document to allow exported goods to enjoy smooth customs clearances on arrival at the importing country.