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Alshaa League develops green barrier in desert

Updated: 2022-10-27


Haloxylon and Cistanche deserticola plants are growing well in Alshaa Left Banner, Alshaa League, in Inner Mongolia. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

The Zongbieli project area, one of the Haloxylon and Cistanche deserticola industrial bases in Alashaa Left Banner – in Alshaa League, in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region – has introduced a green forest belt between the desert and Helan Mountain, blocking the erosion of the desert, according to local media reports.

Cistanche deserticola is an important medicinal plant that is parasitic upon the Haloxylon plant which is used for windbreaks and in dune fixation. 

Since the establishment of the project area in Alshaa, Haloxylon has been vigorously planted there, while grazing prohibition measures have been rolled out.

These days, local farmers and herdsmen rely on planting Haloxylon ammodendron and Cistanche deserticola, paving the way to prosperity and realizing a win-win situation between ecological protection and economic development.