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Qianxinan achieves in-depth integration of culture and tourism

eguizhou.gov.cn| Updated: 2024-04-09 Print

The 18th Guizhou Tourism Industry Development Conference is set to take place from April 11 to 12 in Qianxinan Bouyei and Miao autonomous prefecture, Southwest China's Guizhou province.

Qianxinan boasts stunning mountain landscapes, rich ethnic traditions, and a rich history. In recent years, leveraging its comparative advantages in terms of climate, health, and culture, the prefecture has been driving the integrated development of culture and tourism.

Qianxinan is located at 25 degrees north latitude and has an average altitude of 1,200 meters. With an average annual temperature of around 17 C, an average of 1,600 hours of sunshine annually, and 1,400 millimeters of rain per year, the prefecture enjoys mild winters, cool summers, abundant water sources, and lush vegetation.

The unique combination of low latitude and mid-altitude in Qianxinan has made it one of the few places in China that can promote cardiovascular self-repair and improve heart and lung functions.

In addition, the prefecture has a long history with numerous prehistoric, Yelang, and Han cultural sites and many archaeological discoveries. Its diverse ethnic groups, totaling 46, include vibrant ethnic cultures with many entries on national and provincial intangible cultural heritage protection lists.

Furthermore, Qianxinan possesses significant developmental advantages. Renowned for its distinctive cone-shaped karst landforms and rich natural landscapes, it is home to Xingyi World Geopark, which was recently recognized by UNESCO.

The prefecture boasts geological wonders like the Maling River Grand Canyon, and Zhenfeng Shuangru Peak, and has successfully hosted six sessions of the International Conference of Mountain Tourism and Outdoor Sports, along with various domestic and international events.

Seizing the opportunity to establish Guizhou as a world-class tourist destination, Qianxinan will develop overall tourism, vacation tourism, health tourism, and other industries, thereby promoting high-quality tourism industrialization.

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