Guangzhou Datong High School student admitted as air force pilot trainee

Updated : July 17, 2024

Recently, Guangzhou Datong High School celebrated exciting news as senior student Zhong Hongxu received an admission letter from the Aviation University of Air Force, becoming the only aviation cadet recruited from the Baiyun district.


Zhong proudly holds up his admission letter. [Photo/WeChat account: gz_baiyunfabu]

Zhong has expressed his lifelong interest in aviation since childhood. When he learned about the air force pilot recruitment last year, he applied and successfully passed the initial and final selection processes, demonstrating strong academic abilities and outstanding psychological qualities. Zhong attributes his success to the full support and encouragement from his family, teachers, and classmates.

Hu Yanping, vice principal of Guangzhou Datong High School, remarked that Zhong's admission is a recognition of the school's efforts in national defense education. This achievement underscores the school's commitment to the comprehensive development and support of its students.

As the sole national defense education demonstration school at the high school level in Baiyun district, Datong High School prioritizes air force pilot recruitment, aiming to nurture a new generation of patriotic and military-loving individuals.

Zhong has expressed his determination to continue improving his personal qualities, aiming to enter university in the best possible state and contribute his efforts to the country.

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