Guangzhou time-honored catering enterprise to establish headquarters in Baiyun

Updated : June 24, 2024

Guangzhou's Baiyun district time-honored and large-scale catering enterprise Dim Dou Duk is set to establish its headquarters base in the core area of Minke Park in Baiyun district.

The headquarters will cover an area of 14,158 square meters and have a total construction area of 49,504 sq m.

Dim Dou Duk plans to invest 300 million yuan ($41.31 million) into the construction of the headquarters and production research and development base, which includes processing workshops, Cantonese chef training rooms, incubation bases, Cantonese cultural centers, and other supporting facilities, aiming to promote the high-quality development of the catering and tourism industry in Baiyun.

Formerly known as De Xiang Lou, Dim Dou Duk was founded by Shen Shaoqing in 1933 in Longgui town. In 2013, Shen Zhenlun, Guangdong culinary celebrity and descendant of De Xiang Lou, along with his son Shen Zhihui, began the restoration of this time-honored brand, renaming it Dim Dou Duk.

Through three generations of efforts by the Shen family, Dim Dou Duk has grown into a renowned Guangzhou time-honored brand, an intangible cultural heritage protection unit, a local landmark-style catering brand and a large chain multi-brand enterprise in Guangzhou.

The construction of the headquarters base will not only promote the development and growth of the headquarters economy in Baiyun but also bring new opportunities for the high-quality development of the catering industry in Baiyun.


 Nameplate of Dim Dou Duk. [Photo/WeChat account: gz_baiyunfabu]


Specialty dishes of Dim Dou Duk. [Photo/WeChat account: gz_baiyunfabu]

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