Early-ripening white wax lychees thrive in Baiyun

Updated : June 5, 2024

This summer, the lychee orchards in Liaocai village, Zhongluotan town, Baiyun district welcomed a harvest of early-ripening white wax lychees. These lychees have been picked and adorned in bright red skins, offering a delightful sweetness and juiciness that is simply exquisite.


The flesh of white wax lychee is white and sweet. [Photo/WeChat account: gz_baiyunfabu]

White wax lychee, a mid-early ripening variety, boasts a cultivation history of 200 to 300 years. When peeled, the lychee reveals immaculately white, translucent, tender, juicy, and sweet flesh with a thick pulp and small seed, making it irresistible.

Wei Xiaowei, a technician at the lychee orchard, said that the total lychee area in the orchard exceeds 500 mu (33.33 hectares), with a total yield surpassing 10,000 jin (5,000 kilograms). Once the lychees in the orchard are fully ripe, they will be gradually harvested and sold on the market, primarily targeting the Pearl River Delta region, Shanghai, and Beijing.

According to data from the National Lychee and Longan Industry Technology Research and Development Center, Guangdong province's lychee production this year is expected to reach 876,400 metric tons, less than half of last year's amount.


White wax lychee. [Photo/WeChat account: gz_baiyunfabu]

While the overall production of early-ripening lychees in Baiyun remains stable, the region's lychee production is slightly lower due to the warm winter last year and excessive spring rainfall.

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