Baiyun signs 11 projects with investment exceeding $1.38b

Updated : May 20, 2024

The 2024 Baiyun Cultural Tourism Industry Exchange and Signing Ceremony were held at the Guangzhou Private Technology Innovation Center on May 18.

Eleven major cultural tourism industry projects were signed on-site, with a total investment exceeding 10 billion yuan ($1.38 billion), covering various fields such as tourism development, cultural creativity, and sports competition, indicating the formation of an innovative development model for the district's cultural tourism industry.

Among them, the Guangzhou Zhengjia Maofeng Bay Tourist Cultural Area project aims to create a national 5A-level tourist attraction and a world-class cultural tourism destination, incorporating multiple content sections to become a new benchmark for the integration of the cultural tourism industry.

The Guangdong Nanhu Lake Amusement Park Phase II project will establish a metaverse-themed amusement park, introducing science fiction elements to provide an immersive science fiction experience.

In 2023, Baiyun's regional GDP continued to grow, with the cultural industry above a designated size (with main business revenue above 20 million yuan) generating revenue of 17.37 billion yuan and hosting over 23 million tourists.

In the future, Baiyun will accelerate the development of its major cultural tourism projects such as the upgrading of Nanhu Lake Amusement Park and the Lingnan Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, striving to create a cultural tourism and creative industry cluster.

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